
Yo Les! Nice kids and cars... but I shall reserve my comments about the mambo shirt, considering the unforgettable ride in your 993RS last time at MS. *AHEM*

Hmm, your M3.. was bought by a caucasian guy who tracks it quite often at Sepang yah? He's the friendliest guy I've ever met at a track session. Real nice fellow.
How was it unforgettable? No drifting in corners like Racebred in his sig (macham like Fred Flintstone Yabadabadoing down the driveway of his mansion :laughlik: ) or any dramas like that.

Hang on: Was blackcab sitting in the non backseats getting tossed around like salad?
Shaun said:
Hmm, your M3.. was bought by a caucasian guy who tracks it quite often at Sepang yah? He's the friendliest guy I've ever met at a track session. Real nice fellow.

That's him! Funny thing is there was one other owner in-between us so I didnt know him directly but later we met and I found out that his mobile number ends with the same digits as mine (811) and that he stays only 1 lane away from my parents place which I stayed in when owning the M3. So the car has changed 3 owners since 97 but only moved around 50 meters!
The racecar-like rawness & NA power! (Latter of which, is smtg I miss very occasionally!! ;)

Yes yes. Salad with 1000 island dressing! Speaking of which... how's tt fella? Hasn't seen my ex-pool spar partner for a long while leow.
axl said:
The racecar-like rawness & NA power! (Latter of which, is smtg I miss very occasionally!! ;)

Yes yes. Salad with 1000 island dressing! Speaking of which... how's tt fella? Hasn't seen my ex-pool spar partner for a long while leow.

That is a car I REALLY REALLY miss :verysad: :verysad: . Really regret exporting it. Now want also cannot get back....

Your Spa partner is now v busy preparing the nest for a new addition to the Chan household. So I suspect may become long long lost partner soon..
Hehehe. Before you know it, he'll prolly get a MPV. :laughlik: Dunt tell him I said that though...

And btw, it's SPAR partner, not SPA hor. Bah... :errr:

So you gonna track yr 328?
yep, les was real nice also. let me drive around in his 996gt3 in an attempt to convert me to a porker. in a nice gesture of reciprocal goodwill, i will let you drive my e46, which i believe you've never owned before. hahahaaha

but seriously, if you wanna do a 328 shoot, i'll get my friend along and we can do a nice double. how about that?
Sure or not? Not SPA-ing partner? Can just picture you two sitting in a hottub together.... (Sorry super cannot resist! :shoot: :silenced: )

Am going to be at the track in 2 weeks so I will probably take her for a few leisurely 3:30 laps. She is really quite old and pretty exhausting to drive so am very much reduced to the pure poser role with her. Best thing is just to go for kopi where she can be parked kerbside and soak-in the curves.

Funny how all these prancing horses are really better appreciated if driven selectively (when you do drive, best is to drive the balls of her) and then parked to soak the shape in. Very different in character to the German cars where driving*100 is the best way to appreciate them.
By any chance, is his car #49 also? red..

Racebred said:
yep, les was real nice also. let me drive around in his 996gt3 in an attempt to convert me to a porker. in a nice gesture of reciprocal goodwill, i will let you drive my e46, which i believe you've never owned before. hahahaaha

but seriously, if you wanna do a 328 shoot, i'll get my friend along and we can do a nice double. how about that?
Racebred said:
yep, les was real nice also. let me drive around in his 996gt3 in an attempt to convert me to a porker. in a nice gesture of reciprocal goodwill, i will let you drive my e46, which i believe you've never owned before. hahahaaha

but seriously, if you wanna do a 328 shoot, i'll get my friend along and we can do a nice double. how about that?

No what! Had evil intentions of selling you my ride!

I have owned a E46 before. Had a sedan before I upsized to the E39.

328 shoot sounds like an excellent plan. You think can entice him out on Sunday afternoon? Then can try and con family to come along :laughlik:
ryan said:
By any chance, is his car #49 also? red..

There are only 5 328s around. All red but with various interior colours.

Nos are 328, 328, 288, 13 and 87. Mine is 87.


Great spot! :thumbsup:
how about sunday early morning? usually afternoon the sun is too bright the pictures dont turn out nice, and in the morning, less car and human traffic. we usually do our shoots in the early sunday morning, say about 8am-9am. you could reach home before your kids wake up.
We usually do our shoots in the early morning.

We usually do our shoots early sunday morning.
This Sunday can't cos have to take my son for his course lesson (golf).

Hang on! Thinking out loud......can combine the two and do it at the golf course which is SAFRA. We should be able to find a quietish corner to take some nice shots there. How? Good plan? If so, will check to see what time Justin's golf lesson is. ;)
shaun, you gotta stand further away from the fuel nozzel when they are refuelling those race cars.
I was giving you two possible options to the right phrasing of that portion of your sentence lah! :slaphead:

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