Brake pads and servicing


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

My servicing is due and brake pad lights are out. Am thinking of trying out the list of workshops in the forum but so many. i stay in the East so anyone have one i should go. thanks y'all.
Re: Brake pads and servicing

East? Try M&Q! Address is in our workshop page! I've been there a couple of times and Ah Chia is good at his job!

Re: Brake pads and servicing

Azrielsc said:
East? Try M&Q! Address is in our workshop page! I've been there a couple of times and Ah Chia is good at his job!

Hi Sam,

Thanks for the recommendation. Since aredi did the inspection 1 last time so now a normal oil change servicing etc should be enuff. btw, can remember what the damage $$$ was the other time u went.

kum sia!
Re: Brake pads and servicing

Sorry dude,

Can't say cuz i went there for other stuff. Give them a call, they should give u a ballpark figure!

Re: Brake pads and servicing

Azrielsc said:
Sorry dude,

Can't say cuz i went there for other stuff. Give them a call, they should give u a ballpark figure!

yo dude,

other than servicing do they do mods and sell rims and such?

Re: Brake pads and servicing

Mods? Like engine mods? Don't think they do... aethestics and repairs, they are more likely to help yah.

Chat with Ah Chia, he would give u a rough idea on what his services are.
Re: Brake pads and servicing

Just changed mine, original front pad is $90 and rear pad $85 from BMW stockist. Labour $80 to change both.

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