Brand new E90 vandalised... sobz


New Member
Just got my ride a month ago and already kena scratched by a scoundrel at my condo carpark. Guess such sickos exists across all social stratas.

Aren't they afraid of the consequences if caught? (any person who commits any act of vandalism or attempts to do any such act or causes any such act to be done shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years, and shall also, subject to section 231 of the Criminal Procedure Code, be punished with caning with not less than 3 strokes and not more than 8 strokes)

Wondering if any bro has installed any in-car spy cam and caught such vandals in action with it? Hope to catch the culprit and send him behind bars.

Also need advise on the best place to redo the paintwork and the cost involved. Heard it's around $200 a panel?
Re: Brand new E90 vandalised... sobz


You can try Mike(Sin Wee Chuan), ADSM or Yew Lip. Sorry about it man... in your own home somemore. No point having the in-car spy cam cause you wouldn't really know which person passing by is keying it. BTW don't bother approaching the police about it. They wouldn't bother with your case, I know cause I experience it too.

Re: Brand new E90 vandalised... sobz

i thought only if you are parked at HDB or public carparks will you be at the mercy of green-eyed monsters... darn, even private housing???
Re: Brand new E90 vandalised... sobz

martmode8850 said:
i thought only if you are parked at HDB or public carparks will you be at the mercy of green-eyed monsters... darn, even private housing???
not nice to categories this way bro.

My HDB cp have 6 x 5 series, 3 x 3 series, few merc and all swee swee.

I have parked my car outside my bro's terrace oso kena b4.

So landed property people suppose to be more.....wat ah? and HDB ppl opposite???

sorry to hear of your plight but for me i always look forward to it :yummie:
and every time i'm just glad i "havent" kena for my current car :inlove:
Re: Brand new E90 vandalised... sobz

jaskin said:

You can try Mike(Sin Wee Chuan), ADSM or Yew Lip. Sorry about it man... in your own home somemore. No point having the in-car spy cam cause you wouldn't really know which person passing by is keying it. BTW don't bother approaching the police about it. They wouldn't bother with your case, I know cause I experience it too.

Thanks for your advice bro. Just wondering how long after the incident before you repainted and what measures you took to avoid a 2nd such episode. Did the bastard strike again?
Re: Brand new E90 vandalised... sobz

Actually I haven't repainted it yet... Measures? I don't know man.. just be careful next time. Don't park so close to another car.

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