Buying 520d or 530i from PI?


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

My current E60 525i bought 7 years ago from PML is still running strong without any major breakdowns. however my backside is very itchy especially seeing many new 5 on road. Can any brother bought 520d or 530i from PI share experience?

This could be my first time buying from PI and would need some recommendation on which shop to get from.


Here a post I stole from Ben Aka @hohlim fm “G30 owners please fall in” chat.
He said:
First off,I did not buy from AD. But when i asked,the overtrade was quoted as $15k. Overtrade is the amount of money that the car dealer at PML will give you above of the agreed price.
Lets assume the dealer agrees to buy your 2nd hand car at $50k, instead of valuing your car at $50k,he will give you an "overtrade" of $15k,which would then equate to a total value of $65k for your old car which you would be passing to them.

The price which PML quoted is the price without discounts or overtrade. Depending on several other factors which include the past number of cars your family has purchased,the number of years of finance you'll be taking and the COE trend,you will be offered some discount. I can't say how much as i have not bought from PML for some time,the last one i bought was a E90 320i with SGA registration plate in 2005.

Imo, buying from PML has a tiny bit more of prestige,you get to have the fancymagazine,get invited to take part in some driving experiences across the causeway,get invited to previews and so on. To some extent,your relatives and yourself may be assured that you are buying from "the true source" but not for me. I decided that PML's workshop is just like any other workshop,they have long queues,make mistakes in diagnosis and with so many clients,they sometimes don't make me feel my car is important. Buying from PML is also more expensive because of their overheads etc.

Buying from PI is really uncertain unless the car is ready in the showroom,even then,u need to know what options they are offering cause later on,u may feel that you were short changed

I bought from a dealer who i trust due to a friends recommendation. After paying the deposit and bidding the COE i was informed of really bad news..the car "MAY" be delayed past 2018 if the car is delayed at UK. I researched online through some forums and they did mentioned that some people had their cars delayed,especially the 540. With the car delayed, it would mean that there would be a additional emissions tax,either $10k or $20k more. The PI offered me 2 choices.

1)Ride with him and he will abosrb half of the emissions tax if the car really gets handed over in Jan 2018
2)Take my COE and and get a full refund from him and go elsewhere to get a car from another PI or from AD.

For (1), i run the risk of paying the emissions tax.
For (2) i also run the risk of paying the emissions tax if i get from PI and also lose out as most PIs rebate level is 5k to 10k lower than the current COE price. Going to AD was not an option/consideration for me.

I went for (1) and will keep my fingers crossed that car will be handed over before 2018.

I purchased a BMW 540i xdrive,it cost just over 300k,5yr warranty,2 servicing free,in car camera and window tint.

Please let me know if u want me to elaborate on the options but i personally felt my spec is higher than PML which would be approx 340k after discounts and overtrade.

I would not recommend my PI as i have not completed my transaction. I went to another 2 PIs and their prices were all close. 1 year loan at 80k which is considered as a cash price. No recommendations on where to buy. I bought my wifes current E93 335i also from PI and that was 8.5yrs ago but then there were also issues but thats another story.

Only advice is indenting a car from a PI is uncertain. Be ready even if he is reliable but u get to save$$$. So if you are the kind of guy who hates hassle,suggest u go for AD. Unless the car is in the PI showroom

If u like the car and option,nego the price and the car is yours! I like to play around with options so its a little different

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Another good post by Ben[emoji4]
1)compare spec,know what you are paying for and try to determine savings and and see if the savings is worth the risk to you. Factor in the overtrade from AD

2)be ready for small surprises,car from PML or PI all will have small issues but cars from PI usually get more flak cause its PI

3)best if car is in showroom and u buy exactly what you see,those which are special indent always get delayed,for this reason,becareful if the delivery is committed in 3rd quarter of 2017 as delays may result in VES tax come 2018. Ask PI to absorb if possible. Also remember to consider your outgoing car and the losses associated with roadtax/ARF/insurance if the car is delayed

4)downpayment is usually approx15-20k for the car and 10k for COE,hopefully,request for to bid COE.under your name.

5)ask about OMV and how much he is willing to give,this is difficult as OMV is determined only when car is in singapore. If he is comfortable,ask him to top up if it falls below a certain OMV.i doubt he will agree.

6)other usual comments like choosing a reputable PI,commitments to be documented. Lesser downpayment is always good!

Good luck!

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Mine is a PI car, and this is not the first one. Definitely there are some differences so you must know what is important for you. There are many features in G30 & so far I notice that there are significant deviation between PML and different PI.
Although the resale value is Lower but from my previous F10 experience, the absolute annual depreciation after 5 yr was actually lower than PML car. This is because you paid lower purchase price. And yes, the OMV is also higher most of the time.
My E60 was PML, when I was selling it at the 4th year, nobody cares if it’s PI or PML
Please make sure you are willing to handle the potential risk. So far my personal experience is good, hopefully it stays that way. Cheers!

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Yup it’s been quiet, i am busy with budget meeting[emoji28] not sure about the rest. All likely are “toa Kay” that no need do budgeting
Bro, congratulations! Would be great to meet in November when your ride arrived! Hopefully this time we can do our charity event.

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Another good post by Ben[emoji4]
1)compare spec,know what you are paying for and try to determine savings and and see if the savings is worth the risk to you. Factor in the overtrade from AD

2)be ready for small surprises,car from PML or PI all will have small issues but cars from PI usually get more flak cause its PI

3)best if car is in showroom and u buy exactly what you see,those which are special indent always get delayed,for this reason,becareful if the delivery is committed in 3rd quarter of 2017 as delays may result in VES tax come 2018. Ask PI to absorb if possible. Also remember to consider your outgoing car and the losses associated with roadtax/ARF/insurance if the car is delayed

4)downpayment is usually approx15-20k for the car and 10k for COE,hopefully,request for to bid COE.under your name.

5)ask about OMV and how much he is willing to give,this is difficult as OMV is determined only when car is in singapore. If he is comfortable,ask him to top up if it falls below a certain OMV.i doubt he will agree.

6)other usual comments like choosing a reputable PI,commitments to be documented. Lesser downpayment is always good!

Good luck!

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Hi Guys,

My current E60 525i bought 7 years ago from PML is still running strong without any major breakdowns. however my backside is very itchy especially seeing many new 5 on road. Can any brother bought 520d or 530i from PI share experience?

This could be my first time buying from PI and would need some recommendation on which shop to get from.



HiHi Silly 5, its been quiet man. Thanks for the nice words! Btw my car is almost here!!! woo hoo!, should get it latest by Mid November!!! Lets try and meet up in Nov when the car arrives! Hopefully can catch you and your ride before holidays..

Hi bob&Cutie
Attached is

1. PDF from one motoring and shows how much the AD is making, please refer to the "premium column". Its interesting to know that selling three 5 series is more profitable than selling 1 Ferrari. hopefully can show how much ADs make compared to PIs. I'm not a PI by the way. There are other costs like road tax, insurance, overtrade, warranty costs, free servicing
edit - could not attached pdf or excel, so please refer to link :

Please click on the excel or pdf at the bottom of the page

2. Pictures of my car that were taken before it was shipped and its highlights.

I have seen posts asking about purchase price and how much was paid or discount was provided? For me, I intend to drive my car for more than 7 years and in my opinion, its also important to know what is the cars yearly depreciation of the vehicle. So, besides the purchase price please do consider the OMV (or PARF) of the vehicle.


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Yup it’s been quiet, i am busy with budget meeting[emoji28] not sure about the rest. All likely are “toa Kay” that no need do budgeting
Bro, congratulations! Would be great to meet in November when your ride arrived! Hopefully this time we can do our charity event.

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F10 can join? :D

Busy with quarter closing past few weeks. That's why this weekend very free to keep on posting. LOL
F10 can join? :D

Busy with quarter closing past few weeks. That's why this weekend very free to keep on posting. LOL

Most welcome! Actually most of the G30 owners previously drove F10[emoji4]Subscribe to the G30 chat I mentioned earlier.

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F10 can join? :D

Busy with quarter closing past few weeks. That's why this weekend very free to keep on posting. LOL
If I organise, of course can man!! I went in an E93 during the last meetup anyway, we meet up to share info on our cars and what we wanna do with them, of course you are most welcome to attend. Based on your posts, can also tell we all can benefit from your knowledge / insight...Sorry cannot meet up now cause busy with family and children's revision
If I organise, of course can man!! I went in an E93 during the last meetup anyway, we meet up to share info on our cars and what we wanna do with them, of course you are most welcome to attend. Based on your posts, can also tell we all can benefit from your knowledge / insight...Sorry cannot meet up now cause busy with family and children's revision

You [emoji881] dad huh? My boy taking PSLE I also not so busy like yoy[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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You [emoji881] dad huh? My boy taking PSLE I also not so busy like yoy[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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Haha, I got twins, both primary 4 so my wife will take 1 and I will take the other, mostly eye power la, but Chinese is really no joke nowadays!:nono:
Haha, I got twins, both primary 4 so my wife will take 1 and I will take the other, mostly eye power la, but Chinese is really no joke nowadays!:nono:

Wow twins, well done! I hire tutors to help my kids on subject that says they need help. Those subject that they can manage, they practice by themselves.

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Most welcome! Actually most of the G30 owners previously drove F10[emoji4]Subscribe to the G30 chat I mentioned earlier.

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Already am. Have been posting in the G30 thread sporadically if you didn't already notice. ;)

If I organise, of course can man!! I went in an E93 during the last meetup anyway, we meet up to share info on our cars and what we wanna do with them, of course you are most welcome to attend. Based on your posts, can also tell we all can benefit from your knowledge / insight...Sorry cannot meet up now cause busy with family and children's revision

Nice. Thanks Ben. Good luck with the twins' exams.
Thank you bros here. One thing i observed from others is the delivery date often pushed back when buying from PI? Is this the norm comparing to buying from PML?

My E60 was the last few units and i have it delivered in two weeks. My previous Audi was about 3 weeks delivery too. I wanted to get Q5 years back but with the waiting time of 3 months put me off.
Thank you bros here. One thing i observed from others is the delivery date often pushed back when buying from PI? Is this the norm comparing to buying from PML?

My E60 was the last few units and i have it delivered in two weeks. My previous Audi was about 3 weeks delivery too. I wanted to get Q5 years back but with the waiting time of 3 months put me off.
Likely because PI don't have many (or any) ready stock on hand as it is a sunken cost for them to ship in and store. So they are more likely to indent only when there is a firm purchase on the table. Lesser risk for them but longer waiting time for the buyer.

AD will usually indent one of each unique colours, e.g. green, red, etc., and more (e.g. 3-5) of the more "sellable" colours, such as black, white and silver, as they have lesser concerns about getting them off the shelf. That's why when a buyer requests for specific options that is not in their indent stock, it has to be "special indent".

So if you intend to put in all the bells and whistles, AD will also likely make you wait. Hope that helps.
I kinda agree with most here that if planning to get from PI, do check around first as it happened to me too 1 month back with so much issues and se kept calling me asking me to change banks, change finance company which i found it fish too. Then story came as öh i am trying to help you find some savings"which turns me off as i told him by the time he settle this, it's probably EVS imposed. Next came.. the colour you wanted Jabota Brown had been accidentally sold as forgot to log in the system to block.

Verdict, careful which PI you went to. AD no doubt gives overtrade but that will mean the current car that you are getting will not get much discount. A friend who is a purchaser told me the estimated profit makes per car almost flipped me off the chair.. I ended getting from a PI in the end. Higher specs and better value for money.

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