Camry kills a Silvia


Staff member
Female driver crashed into three cars, knocked over pedestrian




SINGAPORE - A female motorist who was speeding in a Toyota Camry knocked over another woman before crashing badly into three parked cars in a carpark.

The accident, which happened in Choa Chu Kang on a Saturday afternoon at about 12.15pm, set off the cars' alarms and shocked the residents.

A witness told Wanbao that a black Toyota suddenly charged into the carpark's entrance and went up the pedestrian's pathway before smashing into the parked cars.

The impact was so bad that the black Toyota's right wheel was ripped off.

According to a witness, a woman who happened to be crossing the road at that time was knocked over. She was thrown off by the impact of the accident and suffered brain injuries.
An Singapore Civil Defence spokesman said the injured woman was a 41-year-old Chinese. An ambulance conveyed her to the National University Hospital. On the way, she slipped into a coma.

Wanbao understands that the woman also suffered injuries to her right leg.

Mr Ke, 36, property broker, owns the car that took the most damage in the accident.
He told Wanbao that he was at home when the accident happened and immediately rushed down without thinking when he heard the loud bang.

When he saw the injured pedestrian lying unconscious on the ground, he immediately called for an ambulance.

Mr Ke went on to say that the driver of a car was a woman and that she had already apologised to him.

The driver of the Toyota also explained how the accident took place, he said.
She claimed that she was travelling on the outside lane of the two-lane road when she wanted to turn left into the carpark.

In order to do so, she sped up to overtake a bus that was travelling beside her and made the turn. However, she lost control of the car.

Mr Ke told Wanbao that his car could be under repairs for a few weeks and as such, his work may be affected since he cannot ferry potential customers to view property.

The female driver, who is believed to be 24-years-old, could not be reached for an interview. Her husband declined and said that she was still in shock.

Police said the driver is currently helping with their investigations.

Re: Camry kills a Silvia

WTF!!! Which is why I dun understand Income gives lower insurance premium for female drivers... Some can quite disasters... Once I took my female colleague's car, she can check blind spot and turn at the same time!!! and change lane w/o checking rear/side mirrors!!! My nuts became pea after that ride :sleepy:
Re: Camry kills a Silvia

Girls + 24 years = recipe for disaster
Re: Camry kills a Silvia

Instead of slowing down and go behind the bus to prepare for the left turn, she sped up to overtake the bus.
Cannot understand the logic.
Re: Camry kills a Silvia


Whenever I visited my customer, I will always avoid parking near the spot where a 'famous' female driver favourite spot.....her parking is KNN. To be honest, usually nobody dare to park near her car if came after her....why ? HER DRIVING AND PARKING SKILL SUCKS :(

She ever told us..."why bother to check....when you turn out or change lane, other drivers will give way to you one....knn.
Re: Camry kills a Silvia

Typical Female driving habit:

1. Change lane without looking at rear mirror or unable to judge the distance of the car from behind/side.
2. Perform emergency braking at every instance
3. Parking skill almost none.
4. Road Hogging

Too tired to type can someone add on the list?
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Re: Camry kills a Silvia

zorro;662879 said:
Majority Female driving habit:

1. Change lane without looking at rear mirror or unable to judge the distance of the car from behind/side.
2. Perform emergency braking at every instance
3. Parking skill almost none.
4. Road Hogging
5. Fast & Furious dangerous driving.
6. Tailgating without any worry.
Re: Camry kills a Silvia

i think she saw Guni....kwa dio gui, cho dio...langga the Silvia...haha

anyway, it will cost her, i mean her insurer (hope its not AVIVA :p)....Silvia parts getting less and less
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Re: Camry kills a Silvia

3 cars claim 1 car ... insurance gone case liao
very hard to renew insurance next year under the same name right
have to use family member name to renew insurance liao
i wonder this claim will taint the owner record for how many years as bad claim? :lol:
Re: Camry kills a Silvia

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm..... that looks like a S14...

Re: Camry kills a Silvia

sszone;662888 said:
i think she saw Guni....kwa dio gui, cho dio...langga the Silvia...haha

anyway, it will cost her, i mean her insurer (hope its not AVIVA :p)....Silvia parts getting less and less

S13 and S14................ got plenty of parts available la...... surplus.....!!! :yummie:
Re: Camry kills a Silvia

sszone;662888 said:
i think she saw Guni....kwa dio gui, cho dio...langga the Silvia...haha

+1. She see Guni from behind, very nice silky hair. Then Guni turn around and smile at her.
We all know what happen next.
Re: Camry kills a Silvia

zorro;662879 said:
Majority Female driving habit:

1. Change lane without looking at rear mirror or unable to judge the distance of the car from behind/side.
2. Perform emergency braking at every instance
3. Parking skill almost none.
4. Road Hogging
5. Fast & Furious dangerous driving.
6. Tailgating without any worry.

Actually I encounter this type of driving from males more often than females. Possibly because there is a higher percentage of male drivers.

Woman in coma and the focus is on an S14...
Re: Camry kills a Silvia

I pity her husband. He took on most of the liabilities. Time to change wife.
Re: Camry kills a Silvia

Most of the time I am not a sexist but when come to driving skills its difficult not to come to terms with the truth/reality so my conclusion are:

Most women are not born to drive whether on the road or in the bed....they are to be driven....of course there are clear case that keep popping out from various post is Guni (Pardon me if I make a mistake)
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Re: Camry kills a Silvia

zorro said:
Most women are not born to drive whether on the road or in the bed....they are to be driven....

Either your sampling size is too small, or that you have been sampling the wrong population.

I am not talking about them on the road.
Re: Camry kills a Silvia

It is ok to disagree..Let compare sampling size/sampling population details and come to a more accurate conclusion. We need all forumners's help to gather bigger sampling size..

kenntona;662911 said:

Either your sampling size is too small, or that you have been sampling the wrong population.

I am not talking about them on the road.

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