Car kenna sabo. What can I do?


Active Member
Just now on the way home from camp, i realized that my wing mirror abit out of their normal positions. No one else drove my car so i find it funny. Halfway through, i hear some "tok tok tok" sound coming from underneath my car. So i took it slow until i reach home.
Upon reaching i did a visual check and found that my rear right tire lost alot of air, it looks as though it has ben punctured, half the rubber sticking out. So i went to a nearby tyre shop check for nails and stuff, but was given the ok. Pump back air, then went for test drive and later check pressure again but everythings perfectly fine!
I suspect someone at my camp let out the air of my tyre. Luckily i took it slow as it was a tiring day.
What steps should i take now?
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

install a in-car survelliance camera to find out which joker in ur camp did the job. then court martial the joker.
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

pingman said:
install a in-car survelliance camera to find out which joker in ur camp did the job. then court martial the joker.

i have the cameras installed in my cars...
its not 100% foolproof though...since the angles can be very limited...
also some passengers will feel a little uncomfy abt the cameras...
but if you really want to...i can pass you the contacts...
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

hi, thanks for the replies! approx how much would such an installation cost? kindly pm me the contact... thanks in advance
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

top_cat78 said:
hi, thanks for the replies! approx how much would such an installation cost? kindly pm me the contact... thanks in advance
hi topcat, the list price is approximately S$500 per set...including installation...
you may enquire
Prestige Security Pte Ltd at 6484-1588...
actually i find it rather expensive but i didn't pay for it so not so heart pain...
there were court cases though where the culprit was caught and ordered to pay for damages and cost of installation for vehicle.
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

top_cat78 said:
I suspect someone at my camp let out the air of my tyre. Luckily i took it slow as it was a tiring day.
What steps should i take now?

well, u might want to study why u kena sabo..?

1) Park too near to another car that the other car hardly can open his door?
2) Parking in someones lot?
3) U "Tekan" a recruit in camp and recruit want to take revenge?
4) Ur car plate no is 3838... canteen auntie not happy..

If its any of abv especially 1 and 3, u count urself lucky that your wheels are still ard..

If none of the above, install the cam than...
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

1.fix back ur wing mirrors
2.dun park at that place anymore
3.put CCTV on ur car!
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

pilotsnoopy said:
hi topcat, the list price is approximately S$500 per set...including installation...
you may enquire
Prestige Security Pte Ltd at 6484-1588...
actually i find it rather expensive but i didn't pay for it so not so heart pain...
there were court cases though where the culprit was caught and ordered to pay for damages and cost of installation for vehicle.

right... i execpected it to cost arnd $1000. $500 for 1 cam isit? i tink i'll install it asap. can catch those idiots who key my car also!
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

Orh LuLu said:
well, u might want to study why u kena sabo..?

1) Park too near to another car that the other car hardly can open his door?
2) Parking in someones lot?
3) U "Tekan" a recruit in camp and recruit want to take revenge?
4) Ur car plate no is 3838... canteen auntie not happy..

If its any of abv especially 1 and 3, u count urself lucky that your wheels are still ard..

If none of the above, install the cam than...
yea i noe.. i guess its just some sore losers who lost in a "frenly match". but doing this to my car is simply absurd.
to answer ur qns:
1) No, the parking lots are damn big. i hate ppl who dun know how to park and i wont do that either unless forced by circumstances
2)Free parking, while there are reserved lots for high ranks. there are wheel clamps to take care of ppl who anyhow park and i certainly did not do that
3)For the record, I'M the recurit
4)My no. plate tio 4D twice, although i never bought b4
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

nicholastan91 said:
1.fix back ur wing mirrors
2.dun park at that place anymore
3.put CCTV on ur car!
slanted wing mirrors were because the car itself was slanted- just wanted to emphasize that i felt something was wrong
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

thx for the helpful replies anyway, guess i'll just have to let it go this time.
mayb i should zhng my car until mafia boss like that *wink* so that no1 dare to touch... lol j/k
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

er.....dude looks like some jealous bloke's in ur camp....
so just keep a low profile to tide over first, while u install all the necessary stuff to catch the bugger....

if tt guy's caught vandalising, n if he's in service, luck to tt bugger
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

top_cat78 said:
yea i noe.. i guess its just some sore losers who lost in a "frenly match". but doing this to my car is simply absurd.
to answer ur qns:
1) No, the parking lots are damn big. i hate ppl who dun know how to park and i wont do that either unless forced by circumstances
2)Free parking, while there are reserved lots for high ranks. there are wheel clamps to take care of ppl who anyhow park and i certainly did not do that
3)For the record, I'M the recurit
4)My no. plate tio 4D twice, although i never bought b4
ah if you are the recruit, worse still. they are jealous of the recruits having a much better car than they have...
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

Hi All,

Can I opt for a cheapo version.
Do small Car Decals at the passengers windows and says

"Survellance In-Car Cameras In Operation" .

I guess these will let the vandals think twice before they do. But if they really do, bo pian!

Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

they r having red eyes on u... just whack the person if u manage to get him!
Re: Car kenna sabo. What can I do?

if all fails....

PARK next to the CO's lot.... but think its a bit too much la... :lol2:

else park at the guard house...

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