Car swerving to the left

Re: Car swerving to the left

If I were you, I'd go for arbitration instead of alignment.
Looks like a lemon to me. May be worse than you think.
Re: Car swerving to the left

jooggie said:
You can call 63190883 to book an appointment. If it's covered by warranty, make sure you are either given courtesy vehicle if the job is going to take more than a day or taxi vouchers for a day job.

Hi there, thanks for your help.

My car is three weeks old, should be covered right? If it takes more than one day, you mean they will give me a courtesy vehicle to used first?
Re: Car swerving to the left

i can almost guarantee you that ur problem would be solved if u go to CK motor. this guy has solved so many of these problems and he will re-alighn ur car as to singapore roads. bear in mnd that factory aligned cars cater more towards say. german roads and singapore roads are slanted slightly for the drainange system.

Contact Details:

CK Motorsport
10, Ang Mo Kio Autopoint.
#01-02 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Part 2A
Tel: 6482-2555

Read this thread.;f=7;t=002094
Re: Car swerving to the left


Insist on rental car if they dun hv in house vehicle to loan you if yr ride is going to be stuck in workshop overnight.

Re: Car swerving to the left

i thing swerving to a side is normal my CR-V swerves to the left and so does my M3 but my S-Class swerves to the right

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