Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?


Hoping gurus can help advise as i feel i've been smoked by the SA:
The iDrive says front brake pads are due for change in 3000km, and the rear in 13000km. Milage 45K.
When i send my almost 3yr old E90 for PML to do a check 2 weekends back, was told that the rear brake pads requires replacement instead. So this is contrary to what PML SA is saying... Is this common? Cos I've only encountered front pad changes sooner than the rear in my previous rides.

Another observation - i notice that when i drive, there's always this screeching sound coming from the left rear when i'm not tapping on the brake paddle. This seemingly comes from the brake pads. Had sent this in for PML to check and they say its "normal". Possible that something is wrong, hence wearing off the rear brake pads faster than they really should last?

Thanks in advance
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

The front brakes should wear out faster than the rear. Did you change both brake pads at the same time?
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

Nope i have not changed any so far...
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

Nope i have not changed any so far...
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

Maybe there's sand or something lodge there and it's screeching ....

Physically look at your pads and you will know where you are with the pads .....
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

Thanks for advices :)
i checked them out physically; true enough the rears are thinner than the front, and quite obviously the wear on left rear is faster than right rear too... which is what's getting me confused :(
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

christopher ngo;1083611 said:
Sometimes inner pad wear faster than outside

Front pads should wear out faster than rear. Maybe wheel alignment for rear not aligned?
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

Interesting ...... Like too much toe in ?

It should also be inherently typical in a floating calipers (stock) ......

angcheekeong;1083642 said:
Front pads should wear out faster than rear. Maybe wheel alignment for rear not aligned?
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

No way rear pads wear off faster than front..
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

gadaffi;1083650 said:
No way rear pads wear off faster than front..

I though it is common for rear wheel drive?
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

Rear wear faster than front is not abnormal...
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

christopher ngo;1083607 said:
BMW got noise is normal.

Yes, this is what I have come to realise too. BMW cars seem to be inherently noisier. My brakes often squeak when I stop the car, regardless of what rotor or brake pad I use...
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

shaggie;1083338 said:
Hoping gurus can help advise as i feel i've been smoked by the SA:
The iDrive says front brake pads are due for change in 3000km, and the rear in 13000km. Milage 45K.
When i send my almost 3yr old E90 for PML to do a check 2 weekends back, was told that the rear brake pads requires replacement instead. So this is contrary to what PML SA is saying... Is this common? Cos I've only encountered front pad changes sooner than the rear in my previous rides.

Another observation - i notice that when i drive, there's always this screeching sound coming from the left rear when i'm not tapping on the brake paddle. This seemingly comes from the brake pads. Had sent this in for PML to check and they say its "normal". Possible that something is wrong, hence wearing off the rear brake pads faster than they really should last?

Thanks in advance

The screeching sound from the rear should be coming from your rotors resulting from uneven wear. Can try
skimming your rotors or simply just change your rotors. If you do change your rotors, remember to change your pads too so there is even wear between pads and rotors eliminating screeching sounds. Just my 2cents worth.
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

I had the same problem and was told it was the brake and even rotor especially if you were to fix with aftermarket parts. Suggest you get a good mechanic for inspection. Try BCC at old TOH tuck road. They fix lots of BMWs
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

Thanks for your advice. At least now i know what to ask the SA when i send the car in. Car is still under warranty til end of this month. have booked an appt to send in this thurs.
I had done my 3yr car inspection by STA; passed, so i think the alignment should be fine... hopefully.
Will share what the SA's gonna tell me, which i am not very optimistic about.
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

The screeching is due to the brake sensor. This sensor is inserted into the brake pad and when the pad wears down too thin, the sensor gets worn down as well resulting in contact with the rotor thus causing the screeching sound. This sensor is changed when the brake pad is changed as well. I had the same sound from my E90 as well. Car did not indicate brake pads due to change but the screeching sound was there occasionally. After changing the pads and sensors (one for front and one for rear) there's no more sound.
I did the change at outside workshop. Damage for front and rear original BMW pads and sensors is about $500.
Hope this helps.
Re: Common for Rear brake pads to wear off faster than the front?

The verdict is out.
Was told again and again by PML that its normal for the rear to wear off faster than the front. So have to change the rear. Suck thumb and pay. consolation is that the rotors are still good...
They couldn't find any issues relating to screeching sound from the rear. have asked about possibilities of alignment/ rim change (though i'm still using a BMW OEM rim) but they claimed everything is ok. Its normal that sometimes there's screeching sound. So, suck thumb again.
WRT the I-drive showing that the front pads are due for change instead of the rear, they suspected that the sensor on the front is probably diritied by the brake dust because i actually drove the car and used the brakes. Have to pay to get it cleaned. Bladderdash. Cannot accept this. Challenged that it is then a design flaw that the sensors are placed in a manner that will collect brake dust. So consolation is they will try to see what they can do without charges.

Another consolation is they offered a 10% off parts and labour cos i went for some visual check a couple of saturdays back, so instead of ending up with a wrinkled thumb from all the sucking, the cost was brought down to marginally higher than if i had visited one of the site sponsors...

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