Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE


Staff member
Not my video.

Saw it on VAG-SG
What an ass.... F10?

Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

Looks like F30
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

Jon's F10 has sart sart bootlid and roof spoiler, so this is not Jon's ride.
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

y he sudden brake? video car not tailgating him also...test brake pad or clean rotors?
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

hetraa;874714 said:
y he sudden brake? video car not tailgating him also...test brake pad or clean rotors?

call him and check, he must have a reason....................

Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

if this video is sent to TP, will TP do something?
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

Sometimes when you cum, muscle will tighten causing knee to straighten uncontrollably
But still the driver 's fault. Bei lun, bei steady.
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

I think it could be a case of sudden realisation of speed cameras
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

Hi Fellow Bros,

I am not sure if I will say "Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE" as a 3rd party. Lets don't be too quick to jump into conclusion and put things in proper perspective and analyse it step by step.

0:36 (08:18:02hr) = White vehicle decides to overtake BMW on lane-2 (no signalling)
0:39 (08:18:05hr) = White vehicle front, kind of 'inline' with BMW's rear.
0:41 (08:18:06hr) = White vehicle about parallel to BMW (took ~2 seconds to get about parallel)
0:43 (08:18:08hr) = White vehicle to filter back into lane-1 (no signalling)
0:44 (08:18:10hr) = White vehicle ~50% into lane-1... there is a horning (should be from BMW)
0:45 (08:18:11hr) = White vehicle ~75% into lane-1... horning stopped
0:56 (08:18:22hr) = BMW overtaking on lane-3
1:01 (08:18:27hr) = BMW commence filtering right
1:05 (08:18:30hr) = BMW got into lane-1
from 1:05 to 1:37 = BMW did nothing to the Audi
1:38 (08:19:03hr) = BMW hit his brake lights came on (white car did nothing, maintain current speed)
1:40 (08:19:05hr) = White car hit e brake only when BMW's brake light flashes.

From what I analyse, the video only tells a 1-sided story. Why? Let me give my synopsis below:

1) Speed appears unchanged and it took the white car ~2 seconds to be approximately parallel with the BMW. From 0:39-08:18:05hr to 0:41-08:18:06hr.

2) White car took another 2 to 3 seconds to pass BMW before he commence filtering into lane-1 without signalling. From 0:41-08:18:06hr to 0:43-8:18:08hr.

3) Why immediately 1 second later (0:44 - 08:18:10hr), there is horning when white vehicle get ~50% into lane-1.

Conclusion: Took 2 seconds for lane-2 car to be parallel with lane-1 car, another ~2.5 second for lane-2 car to filter into lane-1? There is 100% not wide enough a grab (about 1/4 car length or less) which could have caused an accident.

Now fellow community mates, u tell me, who is being an ass here?

I believe the BMW driver was pissed off as the White car could have cause an accident thus he reacted... where we see him overtaking on lane-3 (0:56 - 08:18:22hr) and getting back into lane-1 ahead. Beemer was trying to give the White car driver a 'taste of his own medicine' of how it feels when someone infront, for no apparent reason almost causes a front-to-rear accident.

My take on the situation - White car was the original ASS and he deserves the treatment by the Beemer... hey, the beemer gave about 4.5-5 car length before he did the stunt as a pay back.

Cents worth. I am not siding BMW driver just bcoz I drive one too.
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Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

Exactly what I was thinking...
I mean the one sided story side..and of coz why would the Beemer be an ass in the 1st place? Too free ahh?
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

Agreed that the car taking the video has abruptly cut into the BMW's path after overtaking, thus the latter did the stunt to get back ... fortunately it has not caused a problem to other road users .. :(
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

hetraa;874714 said:
y he sudden brake? video car not tailgating him also...test brake pad or clean rotors?
Therefore we have to see in detail... he is just returning some medicine back after being given unwanted medicine :lol:
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

if this video would be submitted to TP, the BMW would get into trouble for such a silly stunt which could result in serious accident and inconveniences to all road users. Should visit Shell petrol kisok and pick up the car-d "Consideration"...I paste all the five
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Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

Mockngbrd;874840 said:
here's the original post
VAGSG Community - View Single Post - I shd Hv invest a in car cam
intreresting analysis but i disagree with you
I hope u disagreed, not because u r convinced after reading the white vehicle driver's post but rather invoking us to think or acting as Devil's Advocate :)

My neutral conclusion is from second by second and including sound analysis (well, I can be wrong but doubtful bcoz white car lied).

I do not believe his words (his post), why? Because he said/post "its the moment i signaled my intention to filter lane 1, the BMW sped up!".... For goodness sake, if can hear the chinese radio, can hear human voice, can hear the 'road breeze' and yet I cannot hear the 'tick tick tick' signal sound? I cannot hear because there never was any signalling when he go from lane-1 to lane-2 and no signal sound when he to go from lane-2 to lane-1... or maybe my ear drums are allergic to 'tick tick tick' sound.

So whether the BMW sped up or not, I do not know but if he did, then he is ASS #2, however what I am sure is the white vehicle driver never did signal his intention thus he is bluffing and when one lies, one becomes e 'prime suspect' in any given investigation.

The other evidence against the white vehicle driver - from frame 0:39 to 0:43/0:44 (total 3 to 4 sec)... if took 2 seconds from white vehicle (from moment car's front inline with BMW's rear) to get in parallel with BMW, another ~2.5 second to move ahead... if BMW sped up, will there be sufficient gap?

The above para is about physics of speed (different but both car are relatively constant), space (car length) and time (video frame & timestamp) = given 2 seconds to align parallel with car on next lane and 2 second to move pass it (possibly
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Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

i dun understand why the need for white car to overtake...from 2nd lane somemore. this one kpe, 70kmh limit, the bmw was jus minding his business, driving within limit.

but look at the way the video ended. the bm filtered to the left to wait for him and how mr innocent abruptly cut off the clip. why no show part 2?
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

not that i m promoting this kinda acts, but video did not show what happened b4 n cut off immediately when side-by side with the said bmw..... something smells funny.....
i agree that we have a lot of "too free" bmws around, but to get such reaction (yes check out the theory on that) it must have been offended real bad....
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

I see two idiots in the clip, no saint at all. One pot one kettle, perhaps.
Re: Don't be an ass... SJJ5#5# in KPE

all very be honest~
who never driven like that before?be it like the audo or bmw...........u?..u?...
i did.

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