Whether it will die out after a while, I don't know. But I do know one things is that it gives them another EXCUSE to pull you over, then the harassment starts - road tax expiry, tinted windows, breath analyzer, loud exhaust/engine mods, passanger seat belt not buckled, child not on child seat/booster seat, no spare tire in truck, etc. etc. etc. SO DON'T FALL INTO THE TRAP. DON'T GIVE THEM EXCUSE TO PULL YOU OVER.... not worth the RISK.
Actually, daytime running lights are the norm in Canada and illegal not to have them. The arguement there is that with daytime running lights pedestrians can spot a car further away and faster, hence its safer.
Fine or de-merit points I can still understand and maybe accept, but JAIL? So LTA/TP is saying those who turn on fog lights are same as those robbers and drug traffickers? What logic is that!?
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