Driving in Eastern Europe


Well-Known Member
Anyone done this ever?

Plan is to go to Munich, take a car (damn difficult to find autos in the rest of Europe), drive to Slovena and places around, and Croatia. 10-12 days

Then back to Munich and back home.

Anyone ever done this? Any thoughts?

Safety? Roads?
Re: Driving in Eastern Europe

are u taking a coupe or cabrio? toto ask one
Re: Driving in Eastern Europe

4 yrs ago I made it to Prague to join colleagues who drove down from Berlin and then onto Budapest.. There was the strange condition from the rental company sixt regarding marques eg bmw, audi, merc (ended up with a ford) that can't be driven into eastern Europe, may have changed by now. Roads pretty ok, just be wary of corrupt cops harassing you for $ in some of the poorer eastern European countries...

Best to bring your own gps, very often these rental
Gps only licensed to work in country of rental...
Re: Driving in Eastern Europe

just don't drive into albania and transylvania...
Re: Driving in Eastern Europe

nYteMarE;778237 said:
4 yrs ago I made it to Prague to join colleagues who drove down from Berlin and then onto Budapest.. There was the strange condition from the rental company sixt regarding marques eg bmw, audi, merc (ended up with a ford) that can't be driven into eastern Europe, may have changed by now. Roads pretty ok, just be wary of corrupt cops harassing you for $ in some of the poorer eastern European countries...

Best to bring your own gps, very often these rental
Gps only licensed to work in country of rental...

Thanks. Usually I hire from Hertz and till date havent had any issues with hiring or returning in any blardy place in Europe. Checked and they dont have any issues with the standard cars - I can get a C Class with a GPS for quite a decent price including all the covers. The only thing they are cribbing about is drop tops (was hoping to get a 3 series convert but...). Also till date never had issues with the GPS (hired from Switz into france and italy...) but will check.

Thanks for the tips and especially on the cops. Can give kopi money like our neighbours or that wont be enough?
Re: Driving in Eastern Europe

You got to be careful and read the rental agreement properly. I rented a car in Switzerland, didn't read carefully..and during the trip kena scratch (little bit) and although i got insurance, they billed me 2500 swiss francs for repair?!
Re: Driving in Eastern Europe

timechaser;778394 said:
Thanks. Usually I hire from Hertz and till date havent had any issues with hiring or returning in any blardy place in Europe. Checked and they dont have any issues with the standard cars - I can get a C Class with a GPS for quite a decent price including all the covers. The only thing they are cribbing about is drop tops (was hoping to get a 3 series convert but...). Also till date never had issues with the GPS (hired from Switz into france and italy...) but will check.

Thanks for the tips and especially on the cops. Can give kopi money like our neighbours or that wont be enough?

they are there to get kopi money for sure... but not all the time.. have to play by ear...

my colleagues were driving through poland and were tailed for a good 1 hr, i think the cops were simply waiting for a chance to get kopi money for any offence, e.g. speeding...

the only reason i go for sixt is because of the newer cars (3 out of 5 i've rented have less than 5000km) and usually they'll upgrade you for free..
Re: Driving in Eastern Europe

nytemare: I get upgraded with Hertz too. Plus I find they dont fuss over stuff.

Jimmy1978: I usually take out a full insurance in the LHD countries. Means even a full collision and writeoff = 0 excess.

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