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E30 gearbox dilemma


Well-Known Member

Hi Everyone,

I just acquired an e30 ! Pure luck the way it came by, I say.

But it has one major fix that I'm getting conflicting advice about from the mechanics.

The gear change is very jerky. It knocks when i switch from neutral to reverse gear. While driving forward, the changes between gears are generally jerky too. Its somewhat smoother at high speeds though.

My mechanic who inspected the car before I took it over says that the gearbox oil seals, filters, mounting and oil needs to be changed. He also suggested that the gearbox may need to be overhauled. His view is that there's no point buying a used gearbox from the scrapyard because it there is no guarantee that it will last either.

I went over to JB yesterday and spoke to two different mechanics. One recommended that I overhaul the gearbox. He said it is better than replacing it with a used gearbox as during an overhaul, the gearbox is dismantled and everything inside is replaced with virtually new parts.
He quoted me RM2000-RM2500 for the job. The car would have to be laid up for 3 days.

A second mechanic told me that its much cheaper and better to goto Sungei Kadut and replace the gearbox entirely with one of the used ones there. I have no idea what this would cost.

Help !! I can't figure out what I should do about it ! Should I overhaul or replace? Is the price I've been quoted for an overhaul too high? Will a used gearbox last?

I intend to keep my car for the next 2-4 years and would also probably renew the coe before it expires.

Am in a real bind as I know nothing much about cars. Any advice given would be very greatly appreciated !! Thanks.


p.s. If you know any reliable mechanics based in JB, I would be most obliged if you could let us know or if you could pm me with his number. Thanks !
Re: E30 gearbox dilemma


You may want to consider changing the auto transmission fluid. I changed mine and the gearbox is working fine now (used to have a 2-second delay on reverse gear). Should get it flushed and top up with new fluid.
Re: E30 gearbox dilemma

Hi vkunatone,

Thanks dude ! That was also suggested by my first mechanic as something that would generally improve things. His view, in fact, is not to do anything other than change the gearbox mounting, oil seals and the oil....'its an old car anyway, this won't fail suddenly and its probably something you can live with' is his general thrust.

I don't experience delays in changing gears, just a huge jerk and knock (sometimes the whole car jerks forward) when it switches gears, especially when its picking up speed from zero to 70kmh. When i accelerate more gently, the knock is not as violet. Though my car is very comfortable when travelling fast, it picks up speed rather slowly.

When stationary and switched to reverse gear on the auto gearbox, there is a knock as the gear is engaged.

Does it sound like any of the gears inside the gearbox is damaged?
Re: E30 gearbox dilemma

Experience from my previous E30, I have quite a similar experience and it boils down to the torque converter, which is inside your gear box. Flushing and changing oil helps very little but knowing your car behaviour does help as you can ease the throttle a little just before the gear shifts and gently re-apply the pressure of your right foot there after.

It's easier said than done as I am sometime heavy footed and whack the hell out over taking those persky road hoggers. Hence it enroute me to have to consider a gearbox change.. sigh.

Overhauling your gearbox is alrite if you can do with the down time.
Re: E30 gearbox dilemma

Hey thanks man. Maybe I've gone overboard in wanting to perfect my new and formerly abused baby. Perhaps an oil change is all that is called for. Should know exactly what to do within the next day.

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