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E36 Orginal Parts for Sale/Find UPDATE at last post. M3 Frt and Rr brakes for sale

Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

eh shawn, people really interested in getting stuff from you right? why so dao don't reply him? tsk tsk tsk. :nehnehhh:
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

izzy;357800 said:
Alamak broken?.ok we can meet up btw mine is not yet facelifted,so hope it can fit in nicely.When are u free so we cud arrange a meetup?

Bro, it's not possible the fit the FL frt grille to the non-FL panel.
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

den i shud change the whole panel in a way to place the FL one issit?
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

Thankz ya SSzon. Felt disappointed after finding it out that it cud not fit..How much Do u quote for the whole panel Milk?Actually Eng soon was the one who told me that the FL grilles wud fit nicely on my car jus that they asking at 100 bucks.
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

izzy;359412 said:
Thankz ya SSzon. Felt disappointed after finding it out that it cud not fit..How much Do u quote for the whole panel Milk?Actually Eng soon was the one who told me that the FL grilles wud fit nicely on my car jus that they asking at 100 bucks.

Bro, dun think Eng Soon will get that wrong..... maybe u guys had some mis communications......

If you still having doubts.... u could come to my place, i let u try to fix the FL grilles (used) onto yours...:)
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

hey Shawn saw a white E36 with black roof along TPE abt 930pm just now. Was it u ar?
U travelling too fast I cant catch up to say hi =)
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

Er.. 930pm TPE should be me. Was i that fast? I don't remember moving very fast. And bro, your car is pretty souped up la, don't say cannot catch up leh. :)
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

izzy;359395 said:
den i shud change the whole panel in a way to place the FL one issit?

Bro, y u got no angel eyes????? :nehnehhh: :nehnehhh:

astrosky;359473 said:
hey Shawn saw a white E36 with black roof along TPE abt 930pm just now. Was it u ar?
U travelling too fast I cant catch up to say hi =)

Must be la........... 1 and oni in S'pore..... E36 coupe wif Black Top.... :laughlik: :laughlik:
** btw, shawn.... u at TPE??? Go find Sandy har???? Bo jio....
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

Sent gf home. Was at ECP turn to TPE. :) Guni when my thingy arrive?
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

hey guni

may i ask where ur nashin brakes come from ar?

sorry shawn hijack ur thread for a bit hehe
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

no worries. Now become free for all already :)
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

hi bro shawn,

may i know where u get the m3 clear headlamp and how much? sorry i am new bird here.

many thanks
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

what is a m3 clear headlamp? Did you get the part wrong? Describe it see if we can help. :)
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

think he means clears instead of amber signal lights.
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale

SC_IS;359481 said:
Sent gf home. Was at ECP turn to TPE. :) Guni when my thingy arrive?

Start ordering on Monday............ mai gan jiong.... i remember your stuffs... :laughlik:

astrosky;359482 said:
hey guni

may i ask where ur nashin brakes come from ar?

sorry shawn hijack ur thread for a bit hehe

Taiwan......... :)
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale


Ok want to clear the store room so here we go again.

1. Original Air Filter Box for e36 318. This is that big box thingy that houses the filter. Once again, no problems. Changed to open pod for my previous ride, thus this thing is not in use. $100.

3. Original e36 sedan Taillights. Changed, thus got this extra. No idea what the scrap yard is asking for it, so i'm just going to say $100.

4. Chrome Kidney Grills for e36 facelift. Used but in good condition. 45/piece brand new. Selling a pair at $50. Only for facelifted.


5. E36 M3 Front and Rear Brakes. Brakes have been serviced 1week ago. Front rotors are regular M3s, rear are cross drilled. Pads changed to original ones, and alls good to go. Thinking of upgrading. I would like to sell the Front alone, or Front and rear together. No rears alone. Offer me a price.

6. Looking for M3 Front bumper and Side Skirt. Used is fine but must be in resonable, or atleast within repair condition. Only ABS or PU. NO fibre.

See something u want, let me know, want to clear everything.
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale/Find UPDATE at last post. M3 Frt and Rr brakes for sale

The M3 brakes look tempting but scared to ask the price. Hehe
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale/Find UPDATE at last post. M3 Frt and Rr brakes for sale

Bro, offer me something, we can talk about it. :)
Re: E36 Orginal Parts for Sale/Find UPDATE at last post. M3 Frt and Rr brakes for sale

shawn is a nice guy. he won't chop people's money. haha all the best for yor sales dude.

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