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E46 M3 for SALE

Re: E46 M3 for SALE

elmariachi;267368 said:
Like overtake on the water ? I love the Sand. I Love the sun. But i dont love the Sea. :lol2:

talking from saify's point of view....haha he din hv the power but he had the right tactic.
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

bumpz for this great ride!!
im sure many r waiting for the day you put up this thread.
Good Luck in yr sale!
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

NIcest m around...cant wait to see yr Yellow/White combo at Sin Ming!
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

Good luck with the sale, the car is cheaper to run than the race queens, only include them in the sale if you don't like the prospective buyer!!!
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

Thanks all for reading, a new owner has been found.
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

congrats... thats fast.... sad to see one of the nicest m3 go :(
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

Jack, a farewell salutation to the best looking M3!!! Its still my idol.

The time is near for collection of a new breed. :)
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

No, his friend never called.

Thanks dude. Now u can stop copying me already...hehe
and Gd luck in your new fun restoration project.
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

Thanks DJ

It didnt take long but it took a long time for me to think bout selling it
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

Sad to see your ride is going but in the other hand glad you are moving on to another new project. Cheers
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

Congrats Jack and to the new owner. All fully done up, best buy!!
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

It's 10.30pm...the new owner is roaming ard the island as i type here..
It hit right in my heart when I saw her leaving my basement carpark.
Congrats to J. Take a good care of her and c ya ard.

Re: E46 M3 for SALE

Akan datang, stay tuned...
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

Dear Jack,

Thanks bro, i know how it must feel, reach back home only at 1230am...geez so u know what i was doin with terence ..hehe. Rest assured she will be in my good hands. As highly expected my sleeping partner did comment on e stripes this morn ..ouch ! i may HAVE to take them off ..lets see how much i can wriggle myself out of this one. ! cheers and hope u enjoy yr wait now for yr prroker !
Re: E46 M3 for SALE

wow, that must be hard. whenever ive sold a car, ive never seen it ever again!!

Congrats rasta

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