E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ZOMG dudes i need some expert advice. its 5:43am now. just got back from a friends place driving casually and i mean CASUALLY nothing above 2.5k rpm.. cool weather like 26degrees no coolant warning signs and i get this engine overheat sign and the idrive says to drive slowly so i did.. and after awhile i got this RED sign saying engine overheated stop immediately and wait for engine to cool.

by this time the radiator was like whirrling like a washing machine so i stopped like 20m from my hse for it to cool. after the radiator stopped like a turbo timer, i drove back and while reversing that washing machine turned into high power washing machine.


Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

N52 engine? go back to PML and claim.... its actually quite common... your collant or one of the pipe is leaking... i guess
Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

claim?? claim repairs?
Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

claim everything...its FOC... my friend's 630 also kenna...

i only hear this happening on the N52 engines...
Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

terry u were close. collant pump. thanks for the help mate!

waited an hr for the x3 to come and another hr for the tow to come. fantastic. and the x3 emergency guy gave me 2 taxi e-vouchers that dont work! even better!!

Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

This is common problem with N52 engine meh? I haven't experienced it yet, and hopefully, will never......
Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

Hi Lionel,

I have a very similar experience like you... my ride is FL 523i ( registered last year June)... However for the benefit of all here... i would share the prelude to the fiasco when washing machine sound came on, lights came on etc. What I notice was the aircon was not cold, and cold air only came on after i rev or drive the car on a long stretch of road. Anyway, I had my car towed to PML and they diagnosed that the fan was not working. They changed it and things was okay for a while until recently. Well engine overheat lights hav not come on yt, but I am experiencing the aircon problem, am worried it is another prelude... Will send car in to check soon. Heck may even change the entire car! ha ha ha...
Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

haha just got my car back today. what a bunch of dicks. the x3 guy the bmw assist dude gave me 2 taxi vouchers i was like yay free cab rides.

when i tried to use it on the cab, it says limit exceeded so i called the dude that gave it to me and he said can claim. so i told that woman at the counter before collecting my car she was like "er i didnt know we gave this services and ive never seen this before." i was about 2 secs away unleashing hell

Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

pml is full of sh**. sometime i wonder why we are buying cars from them. they made tonnes of profits and still give us sh** when we asked for help.

hoped that they fixed your engine problem. good luck.
Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

e92alvin;357645 said:
pml is full of sh**. sometime i wonder why we are buying cars from them. they made tonnes of profits and still give us sh** when we asked for help.

hoped that they fixed your engine problem. good luck.

Yup.. Their CSA's always try to brush you off too and are hardly apologetic for all the hassle..
Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

It is so sad to hear another beemer's frustration with the PM CSA!!!!!! looked like they have never improve at all in all these years!!!!!! I used to have deal with them 10 years ago and gave up on them!!!!!!!!!!
Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

i got my car 2 months ago, the window alignment went wrong and water sip in when i was car. i told the se , there goes my story

1 week, sorry sir, we dont have any loan car can arrange next week as the loan car will be back

2 week, sorry sir, all the loan car sold off during the great bm sale, need to wait , i die die will call you on next monday ok

3 week ,, monday came and gone, wait till thursday, went to pml, saw the se chit chatting with customer so i wait 6 feet away. once she finish talking , walk pass me and say how can i help you sir,

i piss off, f the se, you are suppose to call me on monday, i give you 3 days just in case you have not finish your shi tting .
this is what you say,

se..sorry sir i forget to call
me..is that my bloody problem, is it your job or my job, pml pay me salary or pay you salary to settle my problem

se.. sir it all my fault,i am really sorry
me..now my car leak whenever it rain, and if water gets in contact with the electronic you pay me new car or what...200k car in europe or other part of the world , i can get 2 porsche with spare cash, is this the type of s h i t service i am suppose to get

i call the stupid ang moh , he promise to call me in 5 min, after that the yeow call.
i told him they just lost a court case to a customer, i dont mind being the next one to win a court case with pml due to poor service

bang table , the arrange a loan car in 2 hour and car fix in 1 day.

moral of the story. you want pml service, start bang table
Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

Juz got my 04 e60 a mth plus ago..smtimes the yellow warning of engine over heat do appear bt aft awhile it when bk to normal..bt today the red warning sign appear n i stop the car..wat could be the cause..same problem as collant pump?? may i kn wats the cost to change one??
Re: E60 525 Engine Overheat!!!!!

Hi Cabrio_ken

thanks for sharing yr humerous bad service story!
You r 100% right....to get any service, you need to bang table lah!!!!!!!!!

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