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E60 headlight and front bumper


Well-Known Member
Hi all. Last night parked my car in the carpark at pasir panjang food centre and someone ram into my car and ran away. What a bastard.

Any where I can find good condition headlight which is going to scrap to replace as car left 3 years plus to scrap.
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper

3yrs is a long way to go. Get a pair of new ones. If youre worried about cost you can always put them up for sale before your car is about to scrap.
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper

I recommend this workshop - Jon ( 91269987), just say Stanley the white bm recommend one. Cause he last time do mine quite cheap, same ride E60.
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper

Save your trip down to propel if u want cheap , can try post to ask for used set from forum bro and sometime depend on timing ..
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper

stanleyyeo;1094171 said:
I recommend this workshop - Jon ( 91269987), just say Stanley the white bm recommend one. Cause he last time do mine quite cheap, same ride E60.
Hi stanley. Jon didn't pick up the call. May I know the address of the workshop
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper

Finding a used lci headlight is not easy...best is to get from Eng soon...should cost you 600-800 for a pc.
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper

BMW FOREVER;1094161 said:
Try Propel Auto Parts...they have e60 headlights and bumper

Propel may well be a site sponsor, but if I may tell it as it is... they are over-priced and opportunistic because they think they can.... frankly for the type of prices they quote for used parts without warranty, I'd rather pay more for new parts at stockists or look elsewhere.
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper

Totally agreed .. No doubt and most of the time their attitude tend to like buy it if u want it or otherwise go some where else

QUOTE=black rain;1095009]Propel may well be a site sponsor, but if I may tell it as it is... they are over-priced and opportunistic because they think they can.... frankly for the type of prices they quote for used parts without warranty, I'd rather pay more for new parts at stockists or look elsewhere.[/QUOTE]
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper


Anyone knows if our headlamp main beam is D1S or H7?
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper

Has anyone upgraded your HID to aftermarket 55w version?
I find my HID quite 'dark'... not bright at all, wonder if changing to new bulb helps at all.
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper

I bought mine at ebay due to previous stock one was burnt.

Use after year and half now i can feel it was dimmed down but it was cheap , $50 per pair with $15 shipping cost.
Re: E60 headlight and front bumper

Hi Christopher,

I guess you bought the bulbs only? is the size D1S?