E90 Get-Together Pics

Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

babe said:
and stanley.. we don't need to go changi see ah gua lah.. we have "Adrian".. charming like a prince daytime.. sweet and juicy like a princess nightime...hahaa... :

hahaha...sweet & juicy?
thank god the waitress didnt bite me tis time!
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

nicholastan91 said:
cool night drive...very nice night u guys hav..make more of such event..take more clearer pics:)
will be there next time maybe..

NT91...join us next sunday for the mthly meet.
We'll take clearer group pixs...Saify will carry u in his arms, cya!
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

stanleyfu said:
My speedometer reads 130km/hr, my vehicle commander besides me was nagging non-stop!


Stanley, never see you drive so fast before. So Michelle is your motivator. And as usual, Kenny is our speed regulator. :stop!: But somehow no one seems to listen to him. :boring:
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

To Stanley n all,

thanks for a good time; glad to meet everyone n will find time to meetup more.

Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

Many thanks to Stanley for making this meetup a success and nice meeting fellow E90 bros and sis. Special thanks to Nick for the taxi ride and adrian for the teh terik and prata. :)

Looking forward for the next meetup. :):):)
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

babe said:
sorry guys.. my bad.. didn't know u guys wanted to take the small road to seletar dam... i really should get a walkie talkie before joining the next nite drive... ya.. hehehe..

haha.. me where got fast.. victor still finds me too slow until he beh tahan overtake me and zoom off.. out of my sight within seconds boi..left me behind smelling his exhaust..:lol2: :lol2:

paiseh.. stanley.. hope u didn't get scolding from ur commander.. ya.. the road is just too nice to cruise.. at least we drive safe.. no "in and out"... :yummie:

ben (Bmer)... no need..no need.. its ok.. don't have to elaborate... hahaha... ur 330 is the fastest and chioest...confirmed... hahaha...eh.. i want to do my taillight, u evil.. showing me all the sick mods..... :evil:

and stanley.. we don't need to go changi see ah gua lah.. we have "Adrian".. charming like a prince daytime.. sweet and juicy like a princess nightime...hahaa...

really nice meeting all of u... such a nice and lovely bunch of ppl.. we really should meet more.. talked non stop.. even after the dam.. we went to Jalan Kayu coffee.. still talked and laughed non stop.. it was such a wonderful nite well spent.. I also cannot remember some of the names.. but hey.. it was nice knowing all of u.. and finally i saw the "mata chia"..:laughlik:

aiyo Michelle Babe...me car where got fast...can't even catch up with u...:nehnehhh:

for the tail light me will ask vanilla707 to do a group buy again...hehe...btw u sure u no need me to ELEBORATE:woowooo:
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

Hi all,

Very happy that you guys enjoy urself.

Whats our Objectives Achieved?

1 We get to know more E90 drivers!
2 We get to smell the topless' exhaust
3 Never under-estimate lady drivers
4 Wah.. our group's E90 330i cost as much as a 7 Series.
5 Kenny must always be in Convoys to check our speed
6 I broke my speed threshold.
7 I finally start to use streptronic!

Hey, Perhaps Adrain, PW or any others want to start a "Mid Night" Cruise Gathering.

See you guys real soon!

Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

Bmer said:
aiyo Michelle Babe...me car where got fast...can't even catch up with u...:nehnehhh:

for the tail light me will ask vanilla707 to do a group buy again...hehe...btw u sure u no need me to ELEBORATE:woowooo:

no need no need.. me "got eye no see tai mountain".. my bad.. my bad.. u no slow.. next kopi or drink on me... hahahaha.......

but we reallly had a good fun inside the dam eh... the little adventure among the few of us...hahaha...
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

I am trying to recall who is who, shall we put the name next to the nick..

1 stanleyfu - Stanley & Sherleen (not sure whether i spell correctly)
2 Adsnx - Adrian
3 bm fan - YG
4 drivemax - Simon
5 Keanw1 - Kenny
6 althaus - Andrew
7 Ahbengdriver -
8 SFW - PW
9 Bmer - Ben
10. Silver31 - Nick
11. Dreamchaser - Royston
12. Vanilla707 - TH & Joyce
13. ACSCAB2 - Ivan
14. Babe - mich
15. PorkyGal 929 -
16. Fantastic3 - Lawrence
17. vnyy - Victor
18. Morphosis - Alvin
19. Bzsab - Leslie & Junior

Did i miss out anyone?
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

Nice meeting up with the newbies:)) Ya ya...I know I am the convoy regulator and my pleas always fall on MANY deaf ears....I have to protect my clean driving record you know...to maintain 50% NCD!!!!

You boys and gals should learn to sit back and relax on a leisurely cruise. Thumps up to Stanley for organising in spite of the stress being generated.

Hope to meet the newbies again on 28 May usual mthly meet-up...cheers
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

keanw1 said:
Nice meeting up with the newbies:)) Ya ya...I know I am the convoy regulator and my pleas always fall on MANY deaf ears....I have to protect my clean driving record you know...to maintain 50% NCD!!!!

You boys and gals should learn to sit back and relax on a leisurely cruise. Thumps up to Stanley for organising in spite of the stress being generated.

Hope to meet the newbies again on 28 May usual mthly meet-up...cheers

hahahaa... kenny.. u da man ah.. "why r u guys driving at 80, the sign showed 60 leh"... hahaha ... now u have a new nick liao..Mr Speed Regulator....:yummie:
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

for the tail light me will ask vanilla707 to do a group buy again...hehe...btw u sure u no need me to ELEBORATE:woowooo:[/QUOTE]

Ben was telling me its not too difficult to DIY the black tail-lights and was nice enuff to open his boot to show me which screws to take out and the procedures. Kumsia Ben

Shall we trouble vanilla707 to do a group buy for those interested and then maybe meet up one of the weekend afternoon to do a group Tail-light Assembly DIY and then adjourn for prata afternoon tea. Swee boh?

P.S Michele, this time round can u promise to slowdown n respect humps :) .I am beginning to suspect urs is a 330 debadged to 320.:naughty:


Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

Bros, if you change the tail light, the existing one can trade in? Kaos. I dun like to keep extra car stuffs at home. Its a eyesore to me!

I already keeping those bulbs and they certainly taking up space. I live in HDB only!
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

stanleyfu said:
Bros, if you change the tail light, the existing one can trade in? Kaos. I dun like to keep extra car stuffs at home. Its a eyesore to me!

I already keeping those bulbs and they certainly taking up space. I live in HDB only!

Hey Stanley, dun think u can trade in the current one...however, u can try to sell it here...keke...just fyi it shouldn't take up much space...four small boxes only...:juggle:
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

fantastic3 said:
for the tail light me will ask vanilla707 to do a group buy again...hehe...btw u sure u no need me to ELEBORATE:woowooo:

Ben was telling me its not too difficult to DIY the black tail-lights and was nice enuff to open his boot to show me which screws to take out and the procedures. Kumsia Ben

Shall we trouble vanilla707 to do a group buy for those interested and then maybe meet up one of the weekend afternoon to do a group Tail-light Assembly DIY and then adjourn for prata afternoon tea. Swee boh?

P.S Michele, this time round can u promise to slowdown n respect humps :) .I am beginning to suspect urs is a 330 debadged to 320.:naughty:



No need kumsia me la...keke...u can always buy me coffee tea or....hmm...:yummie: Ok Ok... when the tail lights arrive....we shall meet up again...btw me should be going down to McWell(hope i spell the name correctly) at ubi later today at 1....interested bros/sis...see ya there....

oh ya before i forget...hmm...Who knows...maybe michelle one is the new 335 coupe engine....:woowooo: .....
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

Hey everyone and especially Stanley,
Thanks for the pictures and the enjoyable night drive. Didn't get to go to Seletar dam with you all, but seems that you all had a good time there!!

Hope to catch up again on the monthly meet ups!
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

fantastic3 said:
Ben was telling me its not too difficult to DIY the black tail-lights and was nice enuff to open his boot to show me which screws to take out and the procedures. Kumsia Ben

Shall we trouble vanilla707 to do a group buy for those interested and then maybe meet up one of the weekend afternoon to do a group Tail-light Assembly DIY and then adjourn for prata afternoon tea. Swee boh?

P.S Michele, this time round can u promise to slowdown n respect humps :) .I am beginning to suspect urs is a 330 debadged to 320.:naughty:



yeah.. DIY i can.. and yes yes.. i will be good gal next time.. :yummie:
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

babe said:
yeah.. DIY i can.. and yes yes.. i will be good gal next time.. :yummie:

Dun be too good...we might not be able to recognize u:lol2: ....
Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

WAH!!!... good to see you guys had a real good night drive!.. all good fun and most impt safe. May 28th meetup, hope to see all u guys there ok ?. The next night drive all join in yea...

Re: E90 Get-Together Pics

Hi Stanley, keep de ball rolling for upcoming drives!

PLS CHECK OUT "GRAND TT 2006"! :singsing:

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