E90 Jerking: Dilema


Well-Known Member
Hi dear forumers,

recently my wife's ride (E90 325) encountered very similar problem to what talkingnemo described in the below thread. Went back to PML and they did a check; also stated that the engine oil has turned to sludge, and some engine internals need replacing


As the car is out of warranty(by 2months), they said they will try to get waiver from Germany. PML reverted 1 week later saying that they got 100% waiver for parts and only 50% waiver on labour...

2.5K (parts) plus 4.5K (labour), we had to cough out ~2.2K to effect this repair

The car previously was on BSI package and we had also been complaining on the "missing" engine oil issue... (which they claimed to have checked; including draining out and checking the oil level) ... we were wondering then how did this happened?
and izzit fair for us to pay the 2.2K?

Any advice/experience on dealing with them?
Re: E90 Jerking: Dilema

IntegraTypeS;409014 said:
As the car is out of warranty(by 2months), they said they will try to get waiver from Germany. PML reverted 1 week later saying that they got 100% waiver for parts and only 50% waiver on labour...

2.5K (parts) plus 4.5K (labour), we had to cough out ~2.2K to effect this repair

The car previously was on BSI package and we had also been complaining on the "missing" engine oil issue... (which they claimed to have checked; including draining out and checking the oil level) ... we were wondering then how did this happened?
and izzit fair for us to pay the 2.2K?

i don't think you should be paying a dime. esp when your car has been run on their service inclusive plan. the ridiculous recommended oil interval probably caused this problem. When was the last time you had the oil changed by them?

if i were u, i'd ask them why on earth you should bear any charges for engine oil sludge on a car run on their maintenace plan.
Re: E90 Jerking: Dilema

motorknut;409039 said:
i don't think you should be paying a dime. esp when your car has been run on their service inclusive plan. the ridiculous recommended oil interval probably caused this problem. When was the last time you had the oil changed by them?

if i were u, i'd ask them why on earth you should bear any charges for engine oil sludge on a car run on their maintenace plan.

Last oil change was done June 08, i was suspecting that they did not do a full change but just top up the engine oil. ie Can engine oil sludge be formed in such a short period as to foul up the engine? And we did 2 more visits in btw regarding the "vaporising" engine oil issue. Again they say got check... this BSI thing is really shitteee

Reluctant to bang table there but would afraid a softer approach might not make any headway. Anyone can provide both PML's service email and BMW-Asia's email. Would like to try to put in in writing and see if it can be resolve in a more civilized manner? Thanks in advance
Re: E90 Jerking: Dilema

i encountered same problem but luckily my car was still under warranty. They changed the oil sump. Was told by the technician the problem will come back unless drive at a higher speed so that fuel can be burnt completely...find that this is rubbish as the engine comes with the oxygen sensor and should adjust the engine combustion system to burn the fuel completely.....my warranty ending soon and feel that car starts to vibrate mildly again. Any one can offer any idea to get PML provide free parts and labour after warranty period...
Re: E90 Jerking: Dilema

320i;422984 said:
i encountered same problem but luckily my car was still under warranty. They changed the oil sump. Was told by the technician the problem will come back unless drive at a higher speed so that fuel can be burnt completely...find that this is rubbish as the engine comes with the oxygen sensor and should adjust the engine combustion system to burn the fuel completely.....my warranty ending soon and feel that car starts to vibrate mildly again. Any one can offer any idea to get PML provide free parts and labour after warranty period...

Complain to BMW-Asia and BMW-AG, be sure to backup with technical data, eg BMW-TIS bulletins. It will be much easier if it is under BSI package.

I am not too sure about the 320i's engine. But the 325i's N52 seems to have this problem for the earlier batches.

Also, tell tale sign would be you are "losing" engine oil at a pretty fast rate.
Re: E90 Jerking: Dilema

can you ask PML to do a more detailed breakdown on the parts they are going to change?

go to look for Ah Wee at BVO, i am sure u do not need 2.2k.

do a complete engine flush and oil change.

Pls do change your oil abt 10k to 15k interval in future.
Re: E90 Jerking: Dilema

i just did my 3 yrs service at bvo. changed the below items:

1) Car Battery
2) K&N air filter
3) Air con filter
4) Oil Sump Gasket
5) 3 water hoses
6) 2 engine rubber oil seal
7) Engine Oil flush
8) OWS NA racing oil change
9) sparks plugs

All parts + labour = less then 1.1k

I do not know how PML comes up with the 2.2k labour charge.
Re: E90 Jerking: Dilema

como;426391 said:
i just did my 3 yrs service at bvo. changed the below items:

1) Car Battery
2) K&N air filter
3) Air con filter
4) Oil Sump Gasket
5) 3 water hoses
6) 2 engine rubber oil seal
7) Engine Oil flush
8) OWS NA racing oil change
9) sparks plugs

All parts + labour = less then 1.1k

I do not know how PML comes up with the 2.2k labour charge.

Why are you so surprised???

Re: E90 Jerking: Dilema

2.2k is a lot $. recession now.....mi no $.

ai wakeboard mai?
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