E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I spoke to PML's Parts dept wks ago on the possible discount for group purchase on the E90 Xenon lights fitting and furnish with the following pricing for your consideration.

If some of u r keen, perhaps we could do a group purchase but of course u can go to your respective CSA once we confirmed with them on the qty purchase as a group.

In addition,they wld allow interest free instalment up to 12 mths for those consider this payment mode .(ONLY Citibank card holder) .

However, 10 sets & above wld need to check on tis interest free payment mode, perhaps its at 25% discount.

1) Group Purchase

1-4 sets at $ 4,854.52 ( Aft 15% discount)

5-9 sets at $4,639.30 (aft 20% discount)

10 sets & above at $4,424.09 (Aft 25% discount)

Remarks : Pricing are inclusive of installation & GST charges

Discount on parts only ( installation charges fixed)

The installation will take about 4 days which include LTA inspection. (Based on availability of parts but u may arrange yr preferred dates to install)

Validity for above quote is 30 days as of above date.
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

Oh...price gone up actually or what? cos i casually asked the SE once n she said the xenons are abt $3k-ish.

So only xenon bulbs, got adaptive headlights?

No headlight wipers/washers as well I suppose?
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

wa lao eh..sibei expensive....i think the price is a bit too crazy. cant outside workshop do it cheaper?
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

bro, really its expensive.
try other places...
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

Ahbengdriver said:
Oh...price gone up actually or what? cos i casually asked the SE once n she said the xenons are abt $3k-ish.

So only xenon bulbs, got adaptive headlights?

No headlight wipers/washers as well I suppose?


I believe the SE is refering to factory fitted which is much cheaper.

The price which i had checked was at $5,020.00 (Inclusive of installation & GST) 2 mths ago.

i hv check wit other reseller but they couldnt bring in cos the 'cluster' ( I dun know wats tat) is not readily available yet.

If u guys hv contacts to fix it elsewhere, appreciate if u could post it for reference, thanks!
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

adsnx said:
Hi all,

I spoke to PML's Parts dept wks ago on the possible discount for group purchase on the E90 Xenon lights fitting and furnish with the following pricing for your consideration.

If some of u r keen, perhaps we could do a group purchase but of course u can go to your respective CSA once we confirmed with them on the qty purchase as a group.

In addition,they wld allow interest free instalment up to 12 mths for those consider this payment mode .(ONLY Citibank card holder) .

However, 10 sets & above wld need to check on tis interest free payment mode, perhaps its at 25% discount.

1) Group Purchase

1-4 sets at $ 4,854.52 ( Aft 15% discount)

5-9 sets at $4,639.30 (aft 20% discount)

10 sets & above at $4,424.09 (Aft 25% discount)

Remarks : Pricing are inclusive of installation & GST charges

Discount on parts only ( installation charges fixed)

The installation will take about 4 days which include LTA inspection. (Based on availability of parts but u may arrange yr preferred dates to install)

Validity for above quote is 30 days as of above date.

The price should be with washer to get LTA approval. Agree with the rest it is expensive even after discount and worst still it takes 4 days to fit. (No wonder they need so much mark-up). Factory fitted was about S$3k+ with washer and somemore OMV is higher with that option. I actually regretted not have it factory fitted so now will have to wait for the price to come down or go any other place that can do it cheaper.
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

pwsoh said:
The price should be with washer to get LTA approval. Agree with the rest it is expensive even after discount and worst still it takes 4 days to fit. (No wonder they need so much mark-up). Factory fitted was about S$3k+ with washer and somemore OMV is higher with that option. I actually regretted not have it factory fitted so now will have to wait for the price to come down or go any other place that can do it cheaper.


Yes, the price is inclusive of the headlight washer.

u could hv get it factory fitted and the condition is a few mths wait for yr new ride.

I believe the price will drop if u dun mind waiting or till reseller is able to market it anytime soon..

i agree the price is expensive ..and not jus the Xenon lights fitting but everything else there ..except the coffee is free flow .
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

Hey Adrian,

Have you tried Eng Soon?
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount


Alternatively, you could try sourcing from Circle or Pacific BMW.
You can try emailing this guy @ Jeremy@interautoparts.com

Jeremy | Inter Auto
1425 Shamrock Ave
Monrovia, CA 91016
T(626) 301-0909 EXT 32

I've been trying to source some parts from him and his pricing is decent. Use www.realoem.com to find the parts number to facilitate the price search.
Hope this helps

Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

Here not sure if this is all the parts you need.
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

if i not wrong, thy gotta cut da bumper for da washer...
nth is cheap at PML.. :juggle:
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

bro, just wondering, do you think its worth paying 4k for Xenons. Does it really make a differnce in singapore to have xenons. I have xenon on my car and dont really see the great advantage For 4k you can buy a lot of things...just my opinion...cheers
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

Checked with Eng Soon sometime back and was told it cost around S$3k exclude washer and installation. Call Alvin and ask if they have stocks.

Good Luck for you search :)
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

Thats what I thot too, even at factory fitted price of $3k, I think it is a 'nice to have' but not necessary thing for spore road lighting conditions. I ve sat in a friend's car in Taiwan and he gave me a morning drive 2 hrs out of city to the hot springs area. There, u drive thru winding mountain roads which are misty in the morn, and the xenon on his car makes a great diff bcos in some areas there is hardly street lamps. I also think $4/5k is not worth. I can buy a 42 inches plasma TV at home.

Before I book my new ride, I enquired bcos I was kinda keen in the adaptive swinging headlights feature, not bcos I think my car need extra brightness. The swinging headlights was just a thing I find 'cute'. Does the price quoted come with adaptive feature?
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

Hi all,

I’ve been told that the reason for the high cost & long installation is due to intensive labour. Was told that the engine has to be removed so that cabling can be connected to the front console. Any bro here can verify this?
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

BM fan said:
Hi all,

I’ve been told that the reason for the high cost & long installation is due to intensive labour. Was told that the engine has to be removed so that cabling can be connected to the front console. Any bro here can verify this?

If this is the case, then better don't do it. You may end up spending S$4k+, 4 days without car and end up having more problems. You guys know what I mean.
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

Wow - and aftermarket xenons are now selling as low as $380 for a complete set, with labour charge! May trigger fault code though, but i think all is needed is to reset the ECU.
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount


Why don't you give Mike a call as he had done it already?

Sin Wee Chuan (Mike)
Blk 3021A Ubi Road 1 #01-40
Tel: 91074888
Re: E90 Xenon lights- Group buy discount

thanks for the advice guys! Derek, i will check with Mike on tat.

Will post the feedback soon.

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