E92 335ia coupe idling problem


Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me on this problem?
My ride is a E92 335ia DCT coupe . Everytime when I come to a stop, my rmp will rise to 1000 than back to 750.
Car feels sluggish when moving off from stand still. When to workshop, check on the sensor, nothings wrong. Clean the throttle body, but still the same. Can anyone help me? Thanks...
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

Any fault codes?

Sounds like your intake manifold requires some housekeeping.
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

Number 2 ignition coil faulty?

Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

cjohntoh;1109857 said:
Can anyone help me on this problem?
My ride is a E92 335ia DCT coupe . Everytime when I come to a stop, my rmp will rise to 1000 than back to 750.
Car feels sluggish when moving off from stand still. When to workshop, check on the sensor, nothings wrong. Clean the throttle body, but still the same. Can anyone help me? Thanks...

Hi, my 325 E92 recently also have the same issue. My mechanic told me most probably is carbon build up that lead to idling hunting and told me to whack my car to clear the Carbon which I did by driving to KL. Surprisingly he is right and hunting problem solved that you can try in NS highway.
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

Johnson83;1109923 said:
Hi, my 325 E92 recently also have the same issue. My mechanic told me most probably is carbon build up that lead to idling hunting and told me to whack my car to clear the Carbon which I did by driving to KL. Surprisingly he is right and hunting problem solved that you can try in NS highway.

hi johnson83, I did when to NS highway, but problem remains...
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

MAF issue, DCT issue ... DME issue ...
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

cjohntoh;1110089 said:
Sound very serious.. Oh No.....

Not serious ... just need some readjustment.
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

cjohntoh;1109857 said:
Can anyone help me on this problem?
My ride is a E92 335ia DCT coupe . Everytime when I come to a stop, my rmp will rise to 1000 than back to 750.
Car feels sluggish when moving off from stand still. When to workshop, check on the sensor, nothings wrong. Clean the throttle body, but still the same. Can anyone help me? Thanks...

Update your DME modules.
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

cjohntoh;1110684 said:
What's DME modules?

Free kopi ....


ECU - then also update your TCU

if still got then that means MAF/MAS issue ...

Last but not least spark plugs / coils ..
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

Ecu is a general term for a bunch of controllers that your car have. Each controller manages a specific set of functions a lights, audio, engine, gearbox, roof, antenna, instrument cluster.

The Dme manages your engine.

Other marques might call the gearbox controller - TCU.

BMW calls it the EGS.

N55 and N54 engine - No MAF sensors.
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Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

BMW of pml
Still call it tcu in their work order chit.

Maf / mas how do you word it then ?
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

Red_Bean_Bun;1110729 said:
Turbo engine is map lah .......


MAP stands for ?

Pai she noob how to word all such stuffs.
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

MAP is manifold absolute pressure ..............measures air density for AFR.

SUPAN;1110734 said:

MAP stands for ?

Pai she noob how to word all such stuffs.
Re: E92 335ia coupe idling problem

Red_Bean_Bun;1110751 said:
MAP is manifold absolute pressure ..............measures air density for AFR.


May I ask what is the sensor attached to the air box then ?


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