My 6 mths old E46 318i just had the 'EML' light remain on after engine start. Had to crawl to work at 20km/h. Arranged for the PML to look at it this Monday. After work, the EML was not longer on and everything was normal. Thought everything eh ok.
Just drove out with the family for dinner and the EML light remained on again. Crawlled again at 20 km/h back home.
OK, long story. Anyone had the same problem before. Anyone has any ideas what could be the problem here.
Kinda frustrating especially for a relative new car.
Just drove out with the family for dinner and the EML light remained on again. Crawlled again at 20 km/h back home.
OK, long story. Anyone had the same problem before. Anyone has any ideas what could be the problem here.
Kinda frustrating especially for a relative new car.