EML light on


My 6 mths old E46 318i just had the 'EML' light remain on after engine start. Had to crawl to work at 20km/h. Arranged for the PML to look at it this Monday. After work, the EML was not longer on and everything was normal. Thought everything eh ok.
Just drove out with the family for dinner and the EML light remained on again. Crawlled again at 20 km/h back home.

OK, long story. Anyone had the same problem before. Anyone has any ideas what could be the problem here.

Kinda frustrating especially for a relative new car.
Re: EML light on

Sorry to hear. but remember to keep service receipts. Make sure it details the exact thing done n the cause of the fault. Then..time to bang table.
Re: EML light on


They just towed my car away. Was told that it is a transmission related problem. Good thing it is still under warranty.....
In the meantime, no car to drive, on a weekend...
Re: EML light on

sorry to hear that. You did not request for a spare car??... if it were me... i'd get them to change the whole gear box instead of fixing the current one up.
That's wat i think though.
Re: EML light on

second time in the workshop for the same problem within a week... guess you were quite kind to PML...
Re: EML light on

No no,

Perhaps I wasn't clear. It happen today. Arranged to get it to the workshop this coming Monday. EML light went off when I knocked off from work today. Thought it was back to normal. Then it happened again. So, have not sent it in before.

Anyway, asked about a replacement car, but they said no.

No idea what they will do, fix it or replace it. BUt pretty disappointing. Thought that an outgoing model would have gotten all these glitches sorted out. Guess not.
Re: EML light on

Finally, got the car back from the workshop. Apparently, a sensor in an actuator was not working. The advisor said that the sensor controls the 'eml' as well as the 'transmission' light (the one with the gear and the exclamation mark). Transmission not slipping. No idea why the sensor failed.....

Anyway, car is back to normal now. Hope it stays this way.....
Re: EML light on

electronics stuff... yield rate is what the manufactures call it... some just fails...

anyway, good to here it is okie now...


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