Engine Fault on 335


Active Member
Hi Guys,

Recently went to change my exhaust to performance exhaust from PML, been driving for 2-3 month without any problems... then yesterday monring.. while engaged in reverse gear suddenly felt the engine shudder quite violently. Didnt think much about it. Last night while driving out, half way thru suddenly on stepping the accelerator, the engine doesnt respond anymore without any throttle just keeping speed constant. thereafter, saw the engine fault line came up saying the enginer is not able to respond with full power though moderate driving is still possible.

Any reason for this? could it be due to the change of the exhaust? or is this the signal of a major engine failure coming? Due to work coimmmitment am not able to drive over to the workshop to get this fix at all till saturday so am gg to carry on driving the car still on this couple of days. When i restart the engine this morning, it was okie and i drove to work without any loss in power. not too sure when this shuddering and loss of power will happen
Re: Engine Fault on 335

search HPFP (high pressure fuel pump) failure .... not sure it's 100% related but sounds like it (limp mode)
Re: Engine Fault on 335

thanks... yah it does sounds like its a HPFP failure. I noticed long cranking at coldstart a while ago spoke to the PML service advisor but didnt look too much into it.

Just checking if replacment of the fuel pump will resolve the issue?
Re: Engine Fault on 335

There are cases of it happening a few times. Some owners I know have dealt with it failing twice. There are also those who have never experienced this problem on their 335. Perhaps consider getting it changed quickly if still under warranty. Else workshops like Boss M can get it sorted for u.
Re: Engine Fault on 335

get you friendly workshop to check the error codes for a proper diagnosis.

when i had a similar error message, soln was replacement of solenoids.

in my case, engine malfunction only trigger when on throttle more than 25%.
Re: Engine Fault on 335

yea does sound like the dreaded HPFP problem.. dunno if that's already rectified or not
Re: Engine Fault on 335

yup.. warranty over liao so wldnt bring it back to PML.

Will drive down to Boss on friday.

Thanks guys for your help

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