Engine stalled on NS Highway...

Re: Engine stalled on NS Highway...

Hi guys, PML advertised E90 at 150 hp, tested with Dyno, only @130plus, any one can help to explain the figures, dunno means wat,
attached my Dyno test. Tks advance
Re: Engine stalled on NS Highway...

U didnt take the AFR? yr dyno looks fine...power comes in pretty linear, which is good..
early usable torque ...prob due to the piggyback.

ST dynos are known to give low figures...and its prob too hot and humid in singapore, as compared to manufacturer when they did their dyno ..

y not take another dyno at juzzforpower? shd be at least 20-25 more there..
Re: Engine stalled on NS Highway...

I drive to kl every week, speed usually 190 - 220, i have power pedal installed and i have no problems so far.
Re: Engine stalled on NS Highway...

BMW claim crank horsepower. STPower measures power at the wheel. The car is rear wheel drive. u take 20% off the crank hp and it worked to be 120hp at wheel.

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