

what do you guys think about the current Euro crisis? do you guys think it will recover anytime within the years to come?
Putting in consideration that finance ministers meeting in Brussels promised Spain a €30bn (£24bn) cash injection within days to save its banks, and confirmed they had extended the deadline for Spain to cut its deficit to the 3pc target by one year to 2014.

I also have in hand about 5k CHF.. which i gt at an exchange rate of 1.38-1.45 sometime last year.. do you guys think there will be a chance that it will go up anytime soon or is there any suggestions on how i can roll the small sum of cash?
Re: Euros

I have to be honest - I cannot see that far, and I would love to know how anyone could see prospects "within years to come."

The last time I believed in an analyst, he wrote on 12 mths recovery cycle just right after July 1997, after the Asian Financial Crisis. He was optimistic about the recovery.

Unfortunately, he was laid off within 3 mths.

Amazing foresight.
Re: Euros

Euro still on? I thought Spain won already :whythis:
Re: Euros

GpowerJH;850390 said:
what do you guys think about the current Euro crisis? do you guys think it will recover anytime within the years to come?
Putting in consideration that finance ministers meeting in Brussels promised Spain a €30bn (£24bn) cash injection within days to save its banks, and confirmed they had extended the deadline for Spain to cut its deficit to the 3pc target by one year to 2014.

I also have in hand about 5k CHF.. which i gt at an exchange rate of 1.38-1.45 sometime last year.. do you guys think there will be a chance that it will go up anytime soon or is there any suggestions on how i can roll the small sum of cash?

still got LTRO which eur hasnt used yet. they want climax crash to launch LTRO3 & QE3 together... if big crash doesnt happen, then its pretty stagnant recovery next couple yrs lor.
Re: Euros

Sigh... all my money (savings, income, funeral funds) is tied up in repaying the back-breaking mortgages for the house and the car ... so, want to itchy backside also cannot. Lucky me, I guess :lol2:
Re: Euros

Can go Europe and buy Gallardo? $180K?

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