F10 & BBS Rims


Active Member
Hi fellow bros out there.
Need some advice.
Would appreciate it if anyone can help.

Bot a 535 F10 recently.
Thinking of changing rims.
Been a BBS lover for years...

But i downloaded PDF File of BBS's 2011 Application File but cant find a recommended rims for BMW F10s.
Only for E60s.
Can anyone advice if BBS has any recommended rims for F10s?

Many thanks in advance!

Re: F10 & BBS Rims

can't go wrong with BBS


Re: F10 & BBS Rims

yo bro Mbrd,

wow.. :inlove:
sui man..
so it means most BBS rims can fit F10 la...

Bro Rex. did the owner say CH-R is best recommended for F10s?

i love those "older models" CK and CH.... classic...
Re: F10 & BBS Rims

I had seen BBS rims design on the web for F10 but personally I felt that they r not getting good design like previous model. If u compare price of BBS w Breyton, u will find them quite close. IMO, Breyton design is much suitable for F10.... go down to Ray S n see their photos taken on F10 installed with all types of rims......then make yr choice.. Enjoy the process of searching the right rims for yr ride......cheers!
Re: F10 & BBS Rims

redwind;667854 said:
yo bro Mbrd,

wow.. :inlove:
sui man..
so it means most BBS rims can fit F10 la...

Bro Rex. did the owner say CH-R is best recommended for F10s?

i love those "older models" CK and CH.... classic...

Well didn't really say its best suited cause wheels are individual specific but if you like CH then get CH-R Mai tu liao!!!! I think Top 93 has a few colours coming in their shipment.

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