F30 now has long waiting list!

Re: F30 now has long waiting list!

pml selling 316 for 166k?
thats close to PI price ?
but pml 316 dont have navigation.
Re: F30 now has long waiting list!

can i book 316 and ask them to lock in coe at 20k ?
i can wait 4 years no problem for me.
Re: F30 now has long waiting list!

316i = 168k
320i = 202k
328i = 222k
520i = 225k
Re: F30 now has long waiting list!

nett prices before tomorrow bidding
Re: F30 now has long waiting list!

168 huat ah!!!!
faster go and book now!!!
if coe drop to 20k than 128k ?

adam2;977504 said:
316i = 168k
320i = 202k
328i = 222k
520i = 225k
Re: F30 now has long waiting list!

Vansoh;977253 said:
Cat A & B COE are valid for 6mths, non transferable.

Cat E also non transferable if under Co name. they are transferable only once; if its bid under individual name (sales person, admin staff of corporations are individual) Cat E are valid for 3 months.

if the bidded COEs for all cat are not used by the end of expiry, deposit of 10K is forfeited.

only upon regristration of the COE to a vechicle, the difference of the deposit(10K) and bidded price is payable.

thats y normally the big boys only stock on Cat E COE as they have alot of individual to bid for.

whats happening now I reckon is that 90K Cat E are expiring, dealer would
1) forfeit the 10K deposit for each of the spare COE they have
2) sell balance stock with newly bid Cat B; carry on to bid for Cat E at current 73K to replenish the thrown away ones
3) Sell new incoming car at same price, but with lesser options to balance off the additional taxes.
4) continue to support the Cat B prices at 70 -80K as the demand is always going to be higher than supply of cat B + E COE
5) end of the day, cat B & E COE is only used for big cars. Cat A prices will go down and cat b & E maintain and slowly inch upwards.

come 10th April, Im guessing
CAT A - 69K
CAT B - 78K
CAT E - 76K

maybe there should be a thread for COE price guess. lolx

I don't think Cat A Coe will drop much due to orders for Mercs A Class, c180, Passat, Nissan Sylphy.
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Re: F30 now has long waiting list!

pulsar88;977652 said:
I don't think Cat A Coe will drop much due to orders for Mercs A Class, c180, Passat, Nissan Sylphy.

don't forget 316i
Re: F30 now has long waiting list!

just told by PML's SE tt he managed to secure COE just now at $61k!! i was quite surprised that i can get a COE so soon, as the rebate listed in the contract was $53k, which i think i am gonna to wait long long ....

now come the hardest part, awaiting for the arrival of 316 this month... counting down, happily!!
Re: F30 now has long waiting list!

B-Class;978049 said:
just told by PML's SE tt he managed to secure COE just now at $61k!! i was quite surprised that i can get a COE so soon, as the rebate listed in the contract was $53k, which i think i am gonna to wait long long ....

now come the hardest part, awaiting for the arrival of 316 this month... counting down, happily!!
Wow!!! Congrats bro. Ur nick can change liao
Re: F30 now has long waiting list!

Tx!! no need to change nick, B = Bimmer!! same-same... hehe

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