Father Smashes Windscreen of 520 !

Radon39 said:
Yup....and when he left the keys there....he slammed the boot...and voila....a locked BMW...have locked my wife in once....but lucky I turned back fast enuf to realise she was not next to me

Good for Malaysia tho...the thief goes in...lock the bugger in...Set car on fire....claim insurance...Get new car... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Wah... that's indeed a good way to deal with a thief bro!
Roast the sucker alive! :twisted:
Does anyone know the advantages of this feature on our BMW where AUdi/Volva and Merc do not have.

22 said:
Does anyone know the advantages of this feature on our BMW where AUdi/Volva and Merc do not have.


I think it is more to ensure that things of value that are kept in the boot do not get stolen easily and that the boot should only be opened with a key.

In this case, the clown left the key in his boot and then slam the boot so he only has himself to blame. Prior to that, he must have central locked the entire car, then release the boot and did what he had to do with the boot, before leaving the key in the boot. So I can't figure out why he central locked the car doors in the first plece when his kids were still in there. Only he has the answer to that :thinking:
Doesn't our car have the central lock button just by the gearbox, next to the hazard light button ? Couldn't he have gotten his kids to press the button, thereby unlocking all doors ??

The guy obviously never read forum, otherwise he could have avoided a front page story.

Depending on how the Modic setting has been coded for your batch of car, the central locking system is part of the double locking system of the car. on one version of the modic settings, you can disable the first level lock by pressing the central lock button. you will hear a disengaging click, but the door still stays locked. then pull on the handle to release the 2nd level lock.

this safety feature is to prevent ppl from opening your car door from a smashed window, or if you bash in through the boot with split-fold function.

best way to test which settings you are in is to try it out yourself. but of course i suppose certain versions cannot be opened at all.
g0yogi said:
Doesn't our car have the central lock button just by the gearbox, next to the hazard light button ? Couldn't he have gotten his kids to press the button, thereby unlocking all doors ??


I stand corrected but central locking internally using that in-car button and central locking from the car key carries different consequences.
Radon39 said:
JHLim said:
But I got my car second hand. Only got 2 key - one for myself and the other one my missus keep.

everyone got more than 2 key ?
U should have 4 keys....2 remotes, 1 valet, and 1 wallet..

Go to PML and order the wallet key for peace of mind..Jus dun lose your wallet liao

I still have 4 keys with me

Yo bros,

My 02 320 comes with 4 as described by Radon39.

Referring to the pic I attached, from Left->Right:
Key (1)&(2) - we're all familiar, Master keys, self-charging and programable to remember key holder's mirror, aircon and seat position. The Master Keys locks and unlock doors, boot & glove compartment. Note that the boot and glove compartment and be furher locked by using these keys by turning 90 degrees.

Key (3) - My jogging key :) It is NOT the valet key, but the wallet key. Don't underestimate this little guy. It does everything the master keys do. I keep this in my key pouch that holds all my house key as a back up.

Key (4) - Valet key. Can start engine and unlock car door. CANNOT open boot (if it is manually lock using a key) and CANNOT open glove compartment. So put your valuables in the Boot or glove compartment and lock them using either the master key or wallet key. The valet holding Key(4) have no access to them, hence THE valet key.

Once the car is locked using central locking from the key, the central locking in the car will not work, sort of creating a "Panic room". The idea is if someone break-in to your car, he still can't open the doors and attempt to drive it off.

In the unfortunate case in ST, the gentleman made the mistake of (1) locking his car doors then (2) put his key in the boot then (3) close his boot (4) not having a wallet key. Kind of a unique situation that rarely occurs. What was he :thinking: anyway.

I'm not sure if all car models come with similar key counts, but for bros who has not receive the wallet key from the previous owner, might want to double check as it IS a important key to have.

For bros who are concern about a similar situation, I recall that it is a factory option that can be disabled. Do it at your next service if you want to ....
how can anyone in the right frame of mind lock his 2 kids in the car???????? or for that matter, lock anyone else in the car!!!! think he was juz thinking of himself. :shoot:

and he said his kids so traumatised...but can go back in the car for a shoot??????? :thinking:

think there's more to meet the eye.....

could this chap be related to the doctor who complained and took to the press about his after market sensors and about his car rolloing down hill?????

i wonder how is he going to claim insurance when he smashed his own windscreen... plus it is advertised by our local papers all over the place...
i think nick has once boliaoly x-rayed the wallet key coz we were thinking how can a piece of plastic start the car and disable the immobiliser.

it contains a chip inside, according to the doctor's report. where's the pic anyone has it?
wildblue said:
how can anyone in the right frame of mind lock his 2 kids in the car???????? or for that matter, lock anyone else in the car!!!! think he was juz thinking of himself. :shoot:

and he said his kids so traumatised...but can go back in the car for a shoot??????? :thinking:

think there's more to meet the eye.....

could this chap be related to the doctor who complained and took to the press about his after market sensors and about his car rolloing down hill?????


In my opinion, I think his kids were more traumatised by his act of smashing the windscreen. From the pic, I can'tt see how his kids could have crawled out through the smashed windscreen.
Racebred said:
i think nick has once boliaoly x-rayed the wallet key coz we were thinking how can a piece of plastic start the car and disable the immobiliser.

it contains a chip inside, according to the doctor's report. where's the pic anyone has it?

Yo RB, indeed, I also hear that it has a transmitter, the puzzeling thing is: (1) it's so small (2) no need battery ah ? or how battery is charged ?

Also, the wallet key shows that BM can actually make a much smaller master key if they wanted to ... ergonomics?
To explain the technology,

The master key contains the security chip (immobiliser purposes), antenna, RF transmitter and a small lithium battery. When you approach the car and press the buttons, the RF transmitter transmits the security code from the chip using the power from the lithium battery. When the key is in the ignition, the RF coil around the key cylinder sends out a carrier frequency that gets induced in the antenna within the key. This signal is rectified by a diode to produce a little DC voltage that is used to charge the key.

In the wallet key, there is only an antenna and security chip. The carrier frequency that was mentioned above powers the security chip to transmit the immobiliser code. (A process common to both keys)

yendor said:
To explain the technology,

The master key contains the security chip (immobiliser purposes), antenna, RF transmitter and a small lithium battery. When you approach the car and press the buttons, the RF transmitter transmits the security code from the chip using the power from the lithium battery. When the key is in the ignition, the RF coil around the key cylinder sends out a carrier frequency that gets induced in the antenna within the key. This signal is rectified by a diode to produce a little DC voltage that is used to charge the key.

In the wallet key, there is only an antenna and security chip. The carrier frequency that was mentioned above powers the security chip to transmit the immobiliser code. (A process common to both keys)


:thumbsup: very good!!!
BTW, the photo with the kids in the back seat with the front windscreen smashed is quite obviously posed right?

If the kids were so traumatised, don't think they will want to the photographer to come and take pic before rushing out?

Must have asked them to get into the rear seat again just for the front page picture.
In any case... just wondering if anyone can help.

I can't seem to unlock my boot at all, with the car unlocked, the boot lid handle doesn't activate for it to open.

The kick panel remote boot switch also doesn't open it.

Only the key's boot release will open it - IF the key has been taken out of the ignition. - Is this a programming issue? Helluva inconvenient.
__iceman__ said:
BTW, the photo with the kids in the back seat with the front windscreen smashed is quite obviously posed right?

Probably since the father claimed the car was parked in the sun and he had to get his kids out fast. The posed shot was an evening shoot if I recall.
mobilefriend said:
Yo bros,

My 02 320 comes with 4 as described by Radon39.

Referring to the pic I attached, from Left->Right:
Key (1)&(2) - we're all familiar, Master keys, self-charging and programable to remember key holder's mirror, aircon and seat position. The Master Keys locks and unlock doors, boot & glove compartment. Note that the boot and glove compartment and be furher locked by using these keys by turning 90 degrees.

Key (3) - My jogging key :) It is NOT the valet key, but the wallet key. Don't underestimate this little guy. It does everything the master keys do. I keep this in my key pouch that holds all my house key as a back up.

Key (4) - Valet key. Can start engine and unlock car door. CANNOT open boot (if it is manually lock using a key) and CANNOT open glove compartment. So put your valuables in the Boot or glove compartment and lock them using either the master key or wallet key. The valet holding Key(4) have no access to them, hence THE valet key.

Once the car is locked using central locking from the key, the central locking in the car will not work, sort of creating a "Panic room". The idea is if someone break-in to your car, he still can't open the doors and attempt to drive it off.

In the unfortunate case in ST, the gentleman made the mistake of (1) locking his car doors then (2) put his key in the boot then (3) close his boot (4) not having a wallet key. Kind of a unique situation that rarely occurs. What was he :thinking: anyway.

I'm not sure if all car models come with similar key counts, but for bros who has not receive the wallet key from the previous owner, might want to double check as it IS a important key to have.

For bros who are concern about a similar situation, I recall that it is a factory option that can be disabled. Do it at your next service if you want to ....

thank for the detail write up, i have a question ?

if i drive with my car with key(4) aka Valet key & lock and unlock my car with key(1 & 2) and keeping it in my pocket all the time. in the event if some bad guys come up to take away the car. can we just give them the key(4) aka Valet key, and double locking the car from key(1 & 2) from the outside. hence locking the car jacker in the car & disable the car from driving away.

if the above is possible then it will be a good idea to drive the car with key(4) & lock & unlock with key 1 & 2. in place where security is uncertain ?

the guy still has the valet key he can still switch on the ignition and drive away. the moment the ignition is on and the engine is running he can unlock the door using central locking and also wind down windows.
yendor said:
To explain the technology,

The master key contains the security chip (immobiliser purposes), antenna, RF transmitter and a small lithium battery. When you approach the car and press the buttons, the RF transmitter transmits the security code from the chip using the power from the lithium battery. When the key is in the ignition, the RF coil around the key cylinder sends out a carrier frequency that gets induced in the antenna within the key. This signal is rectified by a diode to produce a little DC voltage that is used to charge the key.

In the wallet key, there is only an antenna and security chip. The carrier frequency that was mentioned above powers the security chip to transmit the immobiliser code. (A process common to both keys)


Does anyone know what's the key size used in BMWs, since 40-bit keys were cracked recently.

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