Fighting a losing battle


Well-Known Member
Somehow the majority of Singaporeans automatically "hate" those to drive better and more expensive cars than them.

It would take the smallest of things to set off these bunch of low-lifes.

Take a look at this thread over here.
Looking for BMW SGF 855K Series 523i @AYE Jurong -
i'd bet if it were a random rice-out civic or some other shit-box the TS would've let it go, instead he's trying to create a mountain out of a molehill because the other driver pawns him in real-life.

btw in NOT that guy he is referring to in that thread its just that im feel infuriated for us BMW/merc/expensive car drivers. this trend seems to be quite apparent in low class forums such as mcf and and above said
Re: Fighting a losing battle

just his side of the story.
Re: Fighting a losing battle

Slater;560156 said:
just his side of the story.
exactly what i was thinking, he must have done something that pissed that bimmer driver off
Re: Fighting a losing battle

RaidenGear;560170 said:
exactly what i was thinking, he must have done something that pissed that bimmer driver off
precisely. and yes i agree with threadstarter that we get more stick for driving certain kind of cars.

i had an encounter with a WRX the other day who did almost the exact same thing as the 523 owner as described in hardware zone. but live and let live, cant be going into WRX forum or any forum to flame every single driver who do not practice road courtesy.
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Re: Fighting a losing battle

WRX drivers are like that one. I always go mycarforum and tekan Subarus. Even my chao neighbours who sold his STI also agrees with me, His wife ask him to sell is STI because each time his wife drives it, people make gestures of her like Ah Lian!

Now nighbour good boy drive Honda Crossroads....kekeke.
Re: Fighting a losing battle

sockster;560092 said:
Somehow the majority of Singaporeans automatically "hate" those to drive better and more expensive cars than them.

It would take the smallest of things to set off these bunch of low-lifes.

Take a look at this thread over here.
Looking for BMW SGF 855K Series 523i @AYE Jurong -
i'd bet if it were a random rice-out civic or some other shit-box the TS would've let it go, instead he's trying to create a mountain out of a molehill because the other driver pawns him in real-life.

btw in NOT that guy he is referring to in that thread its just that im feel infuriated for us BMW/merc/expensive car drivers. this trend seems to be quite apparent in low class forums such as mcf and and above said

I wonder how come my story didnt end up at that forum..:lol2:

I was reversing at a petrol kiosk into a parked Subaru, obviously I know my distance due to the parking sensors. He horned me at and make hand gestures, like as if, had he not horned i would have front ended him:screwedu:

being kuailan a beng of me, I turn 90 deg, looked at him for 5 secs and asked him whats the problem. :laughlik:
Re: Fighting a losing battle

Relax, and enjoy this song:
[ame=]YouTube - We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video[/ame]
Re: Fighting a losing battle

Tit for tat, no end to this. Whatever car your drive on the road, same laws and ethics apply.
Re: Fighting a losing battle

Well there are lots of hotheads, bigheads, sh*heads and noheads on Singapore roads. Just need to be sure that you are not one of them.

My wife had the unfortunate experience to meet a road bully on AYE once. She was driving our beat-up, stock-looking 318 heading towards city. When she passed the South Buona Vista exit she signalled to move left into the slower 3rd lane (there are 4 lanes) to prepare for exit at Alexandra. Suddenly the car directly behind honked repeatly, moved left ,and sped up and cut off my wife from filtering.

So being a timid driver she gave way and let the guy pass. However this arsehole did not close gap with the car in front of him (there were at least 5 car lengths on a 60-70kmh peak hour traffic), and remained on the left side of our car taunting her with hostile looks and driving really close. My poor wife was scared out of her wits and thought that he was going to try to crash her out. In the end she slowed right down and the guy had not choice but to move on and she filtered out behind him just before the exit.

So I have only heard my wife's story. Maybe she was too slow and the guy behind was too enraged to care. Or he wanted to filter at the same time and thought that my wife wanted to cut him off. Or its just the car (old 318i BMW can also cause hostile reaction one meh?)

But luckily no more road rage incidents since then and hopefully no more. A couple more and she'll probably give up driving.

So what would you do? The so-called level headed ones? In my alternate universe I would have the guy's number investigated, and put 5 men on him. A few months on a wheelchair might be good for his road manners. But I am not rich enough, so just have to eat my saliva and be a keyboard hero.
Re: Fighting a losing battle

I have never seen a Japanese / Korean car trying to road bully a BMW. Imagine seeing a Kelisa getting in front of a E60 10 times at will to irritate the driver on an expressway.

Most of the time, I see the BMW playing around with the little Japanese / Korean cars. And sometimes, I see BMWs doing it between other BMWs or Mercedes.

The only exceptions are those souped up little supercharged Japanese or Korean cars that tries to play with big cc cars while coming down from a fly over or on a level road (probably because they seem to have problems going uphill).

And MCF is not a low class forum......stop thinking like an elite or being judgemental.

Peace ......
Re: Fighting a losing battle

A forum is a forum is a forum. Where did the thread-starter get the feeling that MCF is a low class forum? I am also a member of that forum though I do not go there very often now. At least MCF caters to a broad base of users and does not breed fanboys or bias itself towards any particular brand... it is for everyone.

There are always 2 sides to any road rage encounters. Be nice to people and they'll be nice to you in return.

Peace man...
Re: Fighting a losing battle

Actually, I have had a Honda Fit cut into my lane rudely 3 times in a space of a minute. I let it go the first two times. By the third time I decided I didn't want to be irritated any longer so I just overtook him on the inside of a long sweeper. His inside rear wheel must have lifted trying to keep up.

You do not see Korean/Japanese cars 'bully' a BMW because they only get one chance at it. Irritate the BMW or any car that's better and they get eaten up at the next opportunity. Doesn't mean the Korean/Jap cars are saints and didn't try anything funny. You will always only see the bigger/better cars 'bullying' the smaller ones only because after the initial incident which might have been sparked by the smaller car, the bigger one has the upperhand and can sustain a confrontation.

Sure, there are black sheep in every marque, but by and large I do not believe the drivers of the more prestigious marques start their journeys thinking 'I'm gonna have me some kimchi/sushi for breakfast on the road today'.
Re: Fighting a losing battle

Chao Mock. You are one of the baa baa black sheep! Esp when you have a press car right?? lol
Re: Fighting a losing battle

Mockngbrd;560752 said:
oh yea...
'I'm gonna have me some kimchi/sushi for breakfast on the road today"
Thats the quote of the day for me right there!

Thanks Breyton
Re: Fighting a losing battle

Breyton;560739 said:
but by and large I do not believe the drivers of the more prestigious marques start their journeys thinking 'I'm gonna have me some kimchi/sushi for breakfast on the road today'.
Agreed. I find chieting smaller cars a disgrace to the robot race.

Want to eat, I will find someone my own size. Or bigger. Like SBS bus.
Re: Fighting a losing battle

Mockngbrd;560752 said:
oh yea...
'I'm gonna have me some kimchi/sushi for breakfast on the road today"

If one morning you feel like eating Italian then how ?

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