FL 523iA FC


Well-Known Member
Hi New Owners of the FL 523iA (190hp)

Care to share the FC (Fuel Consumption) of the new FL 523iA.

PML claim that the FC is better, true?

Re: FL 523iA FC


I am driving a 523LCI with sprint booster. Did not monitor the actual numbers but compared to my previous E39 525, the mileage is better by about 30-50km

Re: FL 523iA FC

May be too early to tell as I got mine just 48 hours ago...approx 8.5 km/l about 60/40 urban/highway
Re: FL 523iA FC

After 2km, am running slightly above 8Km per Ltr.
My previous PFL 523(177bhp) on avg 10KM per Ltr
Re: FL 523iA FC

After 9 months, I am running at 7.5km/l. mostly short city trip (90%)

Re: FL 523iA FC

I'm still on my 1st tank, doing 8.0 km/l... Still monitoring.
Re: FL 523iA FC

Been controlling my foot and i notice that the car will need to be pushed to 50km/hr before you can maintain the Consumption gauage at 10km/ltr which the car will then slowly accelerate to 100km/hr.

I have been getting about 600km per tank (average $120 for Ron 95 or close to 10km/ltr)

Been to KL recently and manage to get 11.4km/ltr travelling at constant 160km/hr

This car is less thirsty than my previous E46.
Re: FL 523iA FC

It seems that the N52K engine gives better milage on 95 than on 98 , I tried this few times the results are consistent... It does not add up since this engine has a high compression ratio of 11
Re: FL 523iA FC

Is it true that our 523i is better with 95 type of petrol and not 98 or better grade? Any type of 95 petrol, is there any specific brand? Shell? BP? Caltex?
Re: FL 523iA FC

have tried esso, spc never caltex and shell twice. BP! does it exist in Singapore anymore... same results 95 better than 98 in terms of FC.

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