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For Responsible BMW Owners.....

Re: For Responsible BMW Owners.....

piggyboyz said:
Hi Guys,

Inspired by our Responsible EVO bros here, i tot that we as BMW owners, must have the same level of responsibility as well, so i have painstakingly printed the stickers to forewarn our female passenger so that hopefully Dawn will have a better impression of us BMW drivers, and not call us irresponsible drivers again !

This highly responsible sticker will be sold at $2 to recover our bro's printing cost, not my SC fund... :naughty:

PS. Tight slap from wife and GF are not included and has to be purchase separately... :laughing: :lol:

hahha!!..and i was wondering what to stick on my car!! (double vanos or not..)...i want 1!!!!!!!!!..hahhah..:)
One for me please....thanks
Piggy, you really went and did it.. :shock: :laughlik:

Not supposed to have one.. Hmmm.. maybe I can. I use it on the track helmet. Kekeke..

1 please!... :shhhh:
how can leave me out???

ONE for me!!!!

The decal man!

Hi bro,

3 for me can? Although me only driving 318, but wat the heck... 2 for my back seats and one for the front... Thanks.


Order 2 sets for me, please. One for myself. One for a hao-lian brother to replace his hao-lian decal......

Heard that Ryan did the final artwork. :OTpolis:

Thanks Ryan! :nehnehhh:
Shawn, that sticker's not mine.

That hao-lian brother is driving a Porchay Boxster now...... with a decal that says......

"I drive a Porchay, I can do whatever f@#$ I want."
I was forced under great circumstances to create this morally degrading work, and i feel a little sad.

But i have created a big banner for myself, so it's okay. :p
Haha!! One for me please!! :thumbsup:
Hi everybody, i am very interested in that sticker. can i get 2 for myself?

Sorry, sorry!! Want to add 2 more stickers, so total 3 for me please! :thumbsup:
Those those who r interested in the purchase come down to kallang mac this sunday around 4pm... i will have them ready ;)
piggyboyz said:
Those those who r interested in the purchase come down to kallang mac this sunday around 4pm... i will have them ready ;)

Ok will do..if I'm not in the afternoon shift i will stop by and collect it. If not, I will collect from u personally..issit possible ??

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