Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006


Staff member
Hi guys,

We just did a forum software upgrade.

Quite a few things are not quite right but we'll be resolving them over the next day or so. :)

Please do feedback any issues you have with normal operations. Thanks!
Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

Thanks Ryan. The web-site was abit slow the past few days. Seems ok now!
Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

Hey ryan,, getting a slight headache cos the text and pictures will be on the right hand side of the page and then one by one will start jumping back to the centre... giddy already.....

Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

Thanks Ryan! Multi quote feature...hmm....
Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

Guys, let's give Ryan a few days to sort out the ugrading of the forum and explain to us the functions and the upgrades.

SM, for ur case, its due to how the web browser load the page and display the contents/pics. Sometimes, it loads top down, sometimes, its photos/pics 1st, sometimes the words...

Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

carcraze;135976 said:
lastest posts no long displayed on main forum page?

dun have...its under "New Posts" tab now...still like it displayed on main forum page leh...though there are more posts viewable at 1 go in "New Posts"
Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

pilotsnoopy;135980 said:
dun have...its under "New Posts" tab now...still like it displayed on main forum page leh...though there are more posts viewable at 1 go in "New Posts"

ah ok. thanks! anyways, ryan, will it ever be displayed on the main forum page again?
Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

hmmm.. Ryan, all the member's "car i am driving now" has disappeared from the left column?
Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

I'll be working to restore all the modifications that i did after the upgrade by the weekend. ;)
Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

Ok cool!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

Hey ryan,

Text me and we can meet for a chat.

See if I can help you and we can discuss a bit more your suggestions that time.

The speed of this vbullentin is slow very slow.
Re: Forum upgrade - 15th Aug 2006

ryan;136094 said:
I'll be working to restore all the modifications that i did after the upgrade by the weekend. ;)

Even d Forum needs to be de-mod & then re-mod or on-going mod, kekeke:lol2: . However, this is really what continuous improvement is all abt :yummie: . Thanks for the upgrade, Ryan and Cheers to d BMW-SG.

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