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FS: Connects2 Adaptor for MP3 CD Changer


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years

so you will be able to connect the HU to the changer ? can it be used for a 728 with DSP ?
what the cost for the adaptor only?
and can it be used for all type of changers?


Is your connects2 attached to the rear of the HU or to replace the CD changer using the 3 and 6 pin connectors?
The way the adapter works is to sit before the CD Changer. Any signals from the original HU, including the steering wheel controls are converted to a code understood by the new MP3 CD changer. Hence, each adapter is made to be compatible with a certain brand of CD changer. As it is, the adapter I ordered from the UK is for the Sony MP3 changers, hence the package deal.

To clear up some questions. When using this adapter:

1. You will replace your current CD changer with the Sony
2. The original head unit does not need to be changed.
3. Steering wheel controls will still work
4. It will work with all MP3 CDs. If a CD contains more than 99 songs, the HU will display 01-99, then 00-99 for 100-199, 00-99 for 200-299 etc..

Visibly, there are no changes to your dash

I had it installed in my previous ride (E46 Cabriolet). But since, sold the ride, so took adapter and changer out for you guys :)


So does your Connects2 have the 3 pin power and 6 pin signal connectors?
Hi Tanzy,

In answer to your pin configuration question - Yes. This is how it is installed:

1. Unplug the current cable from the current CD changer
2. Plug current cable to Connects2 adapter
3. Connects2 adapter has a cable that connects to the new CD changer.

I can recommend an installer - guaranteed to work - or your money back :)

If you are interested, please give me a call at 9617 4723.


Unfortunately, that the same Connects2 I have. I was hoping you had one that used co-axial cables.
ordered it direct from connects2.com in the UK. It took a while to get here, had to pay delivery charges.. and then 2mths later, sold my ride! :(

c'est la vie!
pixxloxx said:
ordered it direct from connects2.com in the UK. It took a while to get here, had to pay delivery charges.. and then 2mths later, sold my ride! :(

c'est la vie!

What was the cost like? thanks
pixxloxx said:
including delivery, the adapter alone costs $200+.


Hi thanks for the info, if your changer/adaptor can be used for 728-DSP+6disc changer then give me a sms at 97398264. thanks
Re: FS: Connects2 Adaptor for MP3 CD Changer

pixxloxx;22315 said:
Hi Tanzy,

In answer to your pin configuration question - Yes. This is how it is installed:

1. Unplug the current cable from the current CD changer
2. Plug current cable to Connects2 adapter
3. Connects2 adapter has a cable that connects to the new CD changer.

I can recommend an installer - guaranteed to work - or your money back :)

If you are interested, please give me a call at 9617 4723.

hi pixxloxx, who is your installer that you can recommend?

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