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FS: E36 325i manual (COE 03/2011)

Re: FS: E36 325i manual (COE 03/2011)

Demod possible. What are you looking for? It will have to be a 1 for 1 replacement though. The dealer will buy it like it is stock, but will bump up the price as a modded car, so it will be good to demod before passing to the dealer.
Re: FS: E36 325i manual (COE 03/2011)

I like your car alot. Only thing stopping me is $$$. If I can secure a loan for the car, I will confirm 100% get it.
Re: FS: E36 325i manual (COE 03/2011)

if u ever wanna let go ur OBC... hehehe
Re: FS: E36 325i manual (COE 03/2011)

Anyone knows any E36 friendly finance companies? Cause I have very limited cash on hand and its impossible for me to pay cash for the car. Would need to take up a loan. Tried a few companies but non could provide me with the loan (they offer just 4-5K only)......
Re: FS: E36 325i manual (COE 03/2011)

Hi Sorry to inform you that I have to give up the car. I sat down with my sister and called my parents to try to settle the money problem.

Unfortunately it didn't turn out well and they are all against the idea of me getting the car. Thus I have no choice but to let go. Sorry to dissapoint you.

Pls keep all the deposit (treat it as a compensation for your lost time and effort). Hopefully the car will find a good buyer.

Re: FS: E36 325i manual (COE 03/2011)

Completely understand.
If anyone else is interested, the car is now going for 14K and needs a confirmed buyer by tomorrow, Friday 20 November 2009. Consider the fact that my buyer did get a company willing to loan him the money but he was asked to loan with COE renewal included, so if a loan is what you need, I can point you in the right direction, thanks to nmnhnlm.
Re: FS: E36 325i manual (COE 03/2011)

I have buyers already, so not demodding. Was going to demod if no takers by mid this week.
My apologies for the disappointment.
Re: FS: E36 325i manual (COE 03/2011)

Car has been sold. Thank you to all who made offers and responded to this post.

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