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FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper


Well-Known Member
No more waiting, Who ever have E92 ///M3 in singapore. You can be the first to have this MAGNIFICENT bumper from japan.

Brand new,Authentic and made from FRP.

Selling for USD$2350.00 Free shipping
Does not include GST,Import taxes,and custom duties.


Amuse ericsson Authentic Certificate


The best yet to come :nehnehhh:

any taker ??feel free to pm me or email me.thnx
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

Hi Europassion,

damp nice man!!!

Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

Sorry, OT...

That driveway looks like a driveway in Perth!
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

scoobysix;467083 said:
Sorry, OT...

That driveway looks like a driveway in Perth!

sorry its on my complex area..that kind of driveaway available only in perth"?
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

ac323;467057 said:
Hi Europassion,

damp nice man!!!


thnx for the comment..

bump bump bump

no more waiting to get this front bumper.
free shipping as well...

sideskirts,rear bumper and trunk will be available this coming 7 days time.
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

come on guys!! brand new bumper.plug and play .who want to be the 1st M3 with amuse kits.u can rock singapore for sure!!
no more waiting!! just pm me or email or call me right away

who is the luckiest guy......waiting..............
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

hey bro! am i right to assume that this would only fit on an E92 M3, and not an E92 335?

oh! and what's the price like?
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

Z-Monster;467611 said:
hey bro! am i right to assume that this would only fit on an E92 M3, and not an E92 335?

oh! and what's the price like?

yeah thats true but again ill be making the non E92 M3 version..soon available :)
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

Is it a case of buy original and fabricate and then sell the original?? hmmm..

Upz for a nice bumper
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

Very very nice addition to anyone who has the latest M3. Wait no more. Please someone grab the kit...it's such as waste for it to be lying around. It's meant to be proudly fitted on the front end of one of BMW's finest.
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

KWY91;467039 said:
u got check inbox?
wah bro, itching for next mod liao arr?
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

Bro Edlms....go for it! Will look good on your M3.
Re: FS: E92 ///M3 Authenic Amuse Ericsson Front bumper

swee..will be more swee if see the kit on the M3..

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