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FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

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Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

Hi bro, is there a brand to this product? where is it manufactured? :)
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

all of these angel eyes probably dont have a brand. Manufactured in taiwan. cheers
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

sym7081;174437 said:
oops...no one interestedd?? E36, E39, E46, E90 ownerssss...?? It's times for you to get rip off your stock stuff hehe. Dress up your bimmer with these black grill and angel eyes, so she will look much more pretty lor hehe

u a saleman ? ur kuo chai very ........... :singsing:
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

how much for the e36 black shadow grill? this is for the post 96 fl grill right?
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

How much for the black grille for E36. WIll it fit 1994 BMW e36 325i convertible?
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

sym7081;174437 said:
oops...no one interestedd?? E36, E39, E46, E90 ownerssss...?? It's times for you to get rip off your stock stuff hehe. Dress up your bimmer with these black grill and angel eyes, so she will look much more pretty lor hehe

Hi, I'm interested in the angel lights for E46 facelifted, what's the price? how about installation? Are the lights yellowish or white?
Re: WTS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL & Black Shadow Grills

sym7081;173436 said:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v339/prettyish_boy/My cars/CE1100007W-2.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v339/prettyish_boy/My cars/Blkgrill-1.jpg

Hello guys.

I did a groupbuy for these Angel eyes & Black Shadow Grills, but we have accidently ordered wrong quantity, so we left few items back for various model. Urgent sell at good price.

I have 2 sets of Angel Eyes that can fit E36, E39, E46
4 sets of Black Shadow Grills, one for each model E36, E39, E46, E90.

Just wanna share these goodies with you guys who havent done this Mod yet.

Grab it fast b4 it's taken by someone else. GOOD LUCK.

Nicest and cheapest Mod for your Beemer :lol2:

:singsing: Interested party PM or sms me at Vic 91608571 for details & price

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v339/prettyish_boy/My cars/Blkgrill-1.jpg

Hey bro,

any customers u know bought and fix this yet for the angel eye? Any workshops to recommend... :)
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

bump for black grille...v nice leh :)
Re: WTS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL & Black Shadow Grills

Hi! Interested in the angel eye for my E46. Is it still available? Do u do installation also? Pls advice yr price. Thks!

Tommy - 96331642

sym7081;173436 said:
Hello guys.

I did a groupbuy for these Angel eyes & Black Shadow Grills, but we have accidently ordered wrong quantity, so we left few items back for various model. Urgent sell at good price.

Angel Eyes : Available for;
E39 95-00
E46 M3, 4dr FL & 2dr pre-FL

Black Shadow Grills: Available for;
E36 pre-FL
E39 01-04
E46 4dr FL

Nicest and cheapest Mod :lol2:

:singsing: Interested party PM or sms/call me at Vic 91608571 for price
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

Can the angel eyes fit a Z3 and how much is it?
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

hi hi
can i know if its Fl,it a diff unit?
wats the diffrence ?
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