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FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

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Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

ask Terry, the one who created a threat for selling his Privat rims. I saw his signature picture, his E60 have the blue angel eyes one. hehee
Re: WTS: E46 MTech II front bumper

sym7081;177696 said:
Want to sell above item, made of PC material, similar features as PP material. not CHEAP fiberglass :) PM me if interested.



Bro...how many sets do you have for sale? :p
Re: WTS: E46 MTech II front bumper

sym7081;178872 said:
I have only 1, but can help you get as many as u want :p just give me $$$$$$$ kekekee

kekeke...thanks bro... ping me once it has arrived for viewing.
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

how much for the blacked out grills sms me at 96866333 for E36 right ?
Re: WTS: E36 M3 front bumper

Actually, it would be great if you could post some pictures of it. :)


sym7081;178627 said:
bumpzzzz, any E36ers insterested?? the bumper is still available. Chance to upgrade your current stock look. :p
Re: WTS: E36 M3 front bumper

sym7081;179379 said:
hehe...I think every one should have known how a M3 front bumper look like already :p if u interested, let me know, I send u pics hehe

Of coz he knows how an m3 bumper looks like. I believe he's asking for a picture of the specific bumper that you are selling i.e the bumper that you have sitting in your store room...or wherever you keep it. btw send me a pic too
Re: WTS: E36 M3 front bumper

sms me maybe drop by if i nothing to do haha... 98179981
Re: WTS: E36 M3 front bumper

no la, fit behind as rear bumper hahahahaha.....
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