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FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

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Re: WTS: E36 M3 front bumper

hahaa....I suggest you fit it as "GT WING"...wowww :p how's the sale of your coupe going bro? havent find any taker? hehe...wanna swap my E36?? ^^ hehe
Re: WTS: Black out grills

I'll take a set for my E36 if ya will accept $50 hee hee kinda short of $$ atm !
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

2) White CCFL angel eyes 7000k
still available? What kind of light bulb using i.e. halogen or xenon? What price and the accessories involved? Can fit a 1995 E36 325? Cheers. Email me gohyth@yahoo.com
Re: FS: WHITE Angel eyes CCFL for E36, E39, E46

With all due respect, I thought this thread is for you to clear some group buy parts which you claim to have conducted sometime ago. As such you are selling these parts which you accidentally over ordered.

To my knowledge a group buy is when a bulk of people pool in together to buy a certain product or products thus enabling the vendor to lower their prices. In this instance everybody benefits.

So why are you able to lower your prices when you indicated to the Admin when we questioned you about your thread. Are you making a profit from selling to members here?

If so, this would categorise you as a Vendor. Since you are not registered as a Site Sponsor, you have thus violated the forums regulations in regards to this matter.

Kindly clarify or your thread will be closed permanently and you will be barred from selling anything in this forum indefinitely.
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