Re: Futsal (Street Soccer) - Turf City - December 17th, Thursday
Intention is good. And much appreciated. None of the players want the 7 players, 3 on 3 and 1 goalie scenario.
The introduction of "newbies" has often brought about fights. The regular ones will remember. The reason, for the rough handling was given before, as "passion". Hahah.. This is even apparent, with new forumers who aren't familiar with the dramatic antics of some players. So while we try to keep the game fun, it is largely dependent on the kind of players being brought in. I've seen alotta these shitty fights so u can understand my hesitation.
Familiarity among the regular group of players, allows for the "leeway" to be given between unintentional hard tackles, often brushed off with a cuss or 2 and a handshake. Unfamiliarity, however, leads to misunderstandings and fights. And the ridiculous "passion" reason.
(I'm just taking a dig at the "passion" word cos of Alexandra's game last time..not taking the piss outta
Hum@n's remark.)
Non-forumers like Allan, Gerard and the familiar fair players : Despite them being non-forumers, they have played many many games with us even since Temasek days. Hence, many of us will still welcome them.
Kenn is especially passionate about the game. All he's asking for is some social responsibility and accountability to make the game good for all forumers. While the intention is good, perhaps the outsiders can be employed as more of "stop-gap" measure in the event insufficient people sign up the day before the game. So that Kenn has a fair amount of time to inform the other players to bring their soccer gear to work with them.
Likewise, Matt has only ever called his friends in order to make the game happen, when the numbers are short.
Some of us try to make it but are unable due work. For me, it's never been a "no mood" no show. I always keep it open for our soccer nites, but tt's me. I look forward to the game every week. It's been 5 years since my 1st Temasek game. We've had alotta laughs and we still do. Unless I get ridiculous off the ball body checks from behind. hahaha...
So, thanks Kenn for wanting to help make the game happen every week.
Thanks Kelvin, for selflessly booking the courts every week and collecting money. It is often a thankless job but u still go about it for the sake of the forumers.
Thanks Nick, for buying the drinks and preaching ur chinese dragon stories, they are etched in my memory. U r dam lor sor. N dam smelly player when i'm on the opposite team.
Thanks Toto, for explaining to me that because I am very difficult to mark (which i don't agree cos there are always 2-3 guys on me), that it is ok to pull my shorts or my hand or foul me. I would like you to know, that you are very difficult to mark as well. I hope ur shorts are made of high quality material, like ur LUMBO. I will pull them today.
Thanks to the rest, who try to make the game fun. Have I mentioned Zhiming's elbow yet? hahahaha...
Oh ya, i gotta be at work @ Changi til 630pm estimated then go home take clothes ah. So i will be late.