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GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

Calvin West

Well-Known Member
View attachment 66172 View attachment 66173

Hi all will be purchasing the above oils locally. Both oils are graded 5w30 and GB price is $13.50/L and $14.50/L for the Platinum. Just to take note the new Platinum w pure plus is not under the list of "recommended" oils by BMW but I have used it before and it works fine as it cleans the engine better than Ultra Euro(my feel). However if you feel unsafe venturing out, the Ultra Euro is BMW LL04 approved. Will be closing this GB asap once orders hit 30/L or more

Me - 7L(Platinum)
Ahyang - 5L(Platinum)
Adam - 5L(Ultra Euro)

Pls add on

Self collect at west side hor...... sankyew.
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Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

I believe the 5w-30 is LL-04(not suitable for some petrol cars outside Europe), not LL-01. Check first. Don't anyhow use hor.
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

Just in case you didn't know, amazon ships this to your doorstep for 45usd/6 qt. Works out to be 10sgd/qt...no point getting from the local supplier unless you need it urgently...
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

Ahbengdriver;1109937 said:
I believe the 5w-30 is LL-04(not suitable for some petrol cars outside Europe), not LL-01. Check first. Don't anyhow use hor.

ultra euro L 5w-30 is ll04.

Probably not a problem, just that should change on shorter interval because of the low tbn. They say not suitable because if you use the ll04 oil with ll01 interval with our petrol, there is a good chance you will deplete the tbn and cause high acidity in oil which may cause corrosion.

It is probably never going to affect people who change oil every 5k km...

I used it. Bo tai ji. Like it too.
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

Slow_poke_driver;1109941 said:
ultra euro L 5w-30 is ll04.
It is probably never going to affect people who change oil every 5k km...

I used it. Bo tai ji. Like it too.

That's the thing. every 5k km. provided you do that.
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

Ok ps guys is ll04. Ya I know amazon sells them but by the time they ship over don't know when already...and I believe as long you don't stretch your oil change intervals too long most of the oils on the market can be used whether it's ll01 ll04 or not..
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Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

Calvin West;1109948 said:
Ya I know amazon sells them but by the time they ship over don't know when already...and I believe as long you don't stretch your oil change intervals too long most of the oils on the market can be used whether it's ll01 ll04 or not..

Amazon very fast de.

If you order 3-4 boxes in one order, they will ship using dhl most of the time. Reach within a few days. My fastest record is 3 days from order to my doorstep. Even if suai suai tio ups, then also still 1.5-2weeks will reach.

Try amazon. You will love them!
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

3 days? I shipped once before took me a month. So fed up I just buy locally, pay few dollars more per l also ok.
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

use the 5W-40 then, its LL-01.

Slow_poke_driver;1109941 said:
ultra euro L 5w-30 is ll04.

Probably not a problem, just that should change on shorter interval because of the low tbn. They say not suitable because if you use the ll04 oil with ll01 interval with our petrol, there is a good chance you will deplete the tbn and cause high acidity in oil which may cause corrosion.

It is probably never going to affect people who change oil every 5k km...

I used it. Bo tai ji. Like it too.
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

The platinum pure plus viscosity too thin based on the specs for most BMW engines .......

The MSDS description seems to focus a lot on JDMs ......
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

Me - 7L(Platinum)
Ahyang - 5L(Platinum)
Adam - 5L(Ultra Euro)
Gerald 14L(Ultra Euro)
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

Red_Bean_Bun;1109974 said:
The platinum pure plus viscosity too thin based on the specs for most BMW engines .......

The MSDS description seems to focus a lot on JDMs ......

I think ok lah, as long change regularly i dont think it will cause the engine to piang hor.
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

I have about 6-8 bottles to sell. Pennzoil euro ultra for $10/bottle. Pm me if keen.
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

Ah Di ah, you just found an oil well or just took over a refinery ?
So much oil to sell .....
Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

He must have bought alot of bottles online to qualify for the free shipping but car only consumes 5L so cannot use finish = sell LOL
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Re: GB Pennzoil Ultra Euro and Platinum Engine Oil

Oh my ....
Actually my qn above was directed at Calvin West ...... not superlimau

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