Good Service from PML?


Core Group Members
Hey all,

Just wanted to share some recent experiences that I have gone through with PML to you all. I know that we all hear of our forum members' bad experiences with PML quite frequently and I do admit that I had faced some as well. But this time round, I was pleasantly surprised.

A week ago on Friday night, I noticed that my right rear brake light blew on my 2wk old car and I was a bit pissed off at that so I decided to go down to PML Alexandra on Sat morning 8am to get them changed.

Saturday came and at 8am sharp, I was at PML, queue number, Numero Uno. I was greeted by the receptionist promptly and was only kept waiting for 10mins before a CSA was assigned to me, by the name of Teo. We went out and took a look at the offending bulb and he replaced the bulb in 5mins, giving me a spare, just in case! Furthermore, he noticed I had grease streaks on my driver window and bonnet. Without any questions, he came back with some towels and polish/cleaner and proceeded to clean those areas!

All in all, I spent about 45mins at PML, with Teo advising me on how to clean the car etc. I even forgot about the cup of coffee that the PML Auntie served me when I stepped into PML! I went away a happy camper!

Now, its been 2wks and I have ran in my car nicely and its time to change engine oil. I called up on Tues evening and left a message for servicing to be done on Sat. Wed came and at 9am, the receptionist called and reconfirmed my 2,000km servicing. She knew that its after the run-in so its just an oil change and NO resetting of my service counter. She booked me in on Sat at 8am with Teo as my CSA. Surprise of surprises, today at 2pm, I have a text message reminding me of my service appointment on Sat morning! :)

Now I don't know if anyone experienced that or that I'm suaku because I haven't been back in 2 years but from the time that I left PML servicing till now, I am pleasantly surprised at the improvement in PML's customer relations. Now the test is on Sat to see if everything goes smoothly and there are no nasty surprises!

Just something to share with everyone!

Re: Good Service from PML?

i think its becos u are driving a new car and ur car is stock..try to mod it,drive back there..i m sure they will stare at u..:D
Re: Good Service from PML?

hitmee;186820 said:
i guess is a different treatment if u drive a 335

Maybe or maybe not, but its also not wrong to praise when its deserved :)

nicholastan91;186824 said:
i think its becos u are driving a new car and ur car is stock..try to mod it,drive back there..i m sure they will stare at u..:D

Actually, not true too. I brought my modded ride to PML to get things done and other than staring, they did the job... :)
Re: Good Service from PML?

Hi Sam,

Glad to know that u get such good service over at pml...but whatever hitmee and nick said is relatively true... When I just got my car, I got the same kind of time passes...service slowly went from ok to bad...bad to worst...till I almost give up...maybe is coz of my csa ba...I dun really bring in my car often except for servicing, and problems with my i drive and key....starting from my i drive that time, they started givin me problems, coz i change my ICE and brake....Trying very hard to push the fault away coz they claim that problems is from my "modding"...however after exchanging opinions...they proceed on checking the car... after a wk, then they call me and tell me it actually has nothing to do with my mod....and answer from them is WE DIDN'T EXPECT THAT THING TO SPOIL SO FAST AS IT IS RELATIVELY A NEW CAR....never even bother to apologies to me...anyway as long as actions r taken I will just go off and rest the issue...As for my key same problem blame me for doing my ICE coz they can't find the cut it the end of the day same reply I got from them again...WE DIDN'T EXPECT.......maybe i sway la...or look good to bully...hahaha.....

Anyways these r m personal experience la..Not meaning u will get this from them too many bmw drivers on the road i believe there will be some lucky one and sway one...I know which group I belongs to liao...keke....with a high end car like yours...u should be able to get good service from them for quite some time....

As for the booking and reminder for the booking s a standard procedure I think coz as and when I book to bring my car in, the receptionist and my csa will call and remind me plus an sms reminder also...

Someone car run in liao hor...hmm...Can I chopp a "taxi ride" from u... :) ...if u want I can be your driver instead, and u be my passenger.....:lol2: :lol2: See Ya Around!!!
Re: Good Service from PML?

Azrielsc;186810 said:
Hey all,

Just wanted to share some recent experiences that I have gone through with PML to you all. I know that we all hear of our forum members' bad experiences with PML quite frequently and I do admit that I had faced some as well. But this time round, I was pleasantly surprised.

A week ago on Friday night, I noticed that my right rear brake light blew on my 2wk old car and I was a bit pissed off at that so I decided to go down to PML Alexandra on Sat morning 8am to get them changed.

Saturday came and at 8am sharp, I was at PML, queue number, Numero Uno. I was greeted by the receptionist promptly and was only kept waiting for 10mins before a CSA was assigned to me, by the name of Teo. We went out and took a look at the offending bulb and he replaced the bulb in 5mins, giving me a spare, just in case! Furthermore, he noticed I had grease streaks on my driver window and bonnet. Without any questions, he came back with some towels and polish/cleaner and proceeded to clean those areas!

All in all, I spent about 45mins at PML, with Teo advising me on how to clean the car etc. I even forgot about the cup of coffee that the PML Auntie served me when I stepped into PML! I went away a happy camper!

Now, its been 2wks and I have ran in my car nicely and its time to change engine oil. I called up on Tues evening and left a message for servicing to be done on Sat. Wed came and at 9am, the receptionist called and reconfirmed my 2,000km servicing. She knew that its after the run-in so its just an oil change and NO resetting of my service counter. She booked me in on Sat at 8am with Teo as my CSA. Surprise of surprises, today at 2pm, I have a text message reminding me of my service appointment on Sat morning! :)

Now I don't know if anyone experienced that or that I'm suaku because I haven't been back in 2 years but from the time that I left PML servicing till now, I am pleasantly surprised at the improvement in PML's customer relations. Now the test is on Sat to see if everything goes smoothly and there are no nasty surprises!

Just something to share with everyone!


2000km change engine oil? is that necessary?? was told to do it on first 10k??

my is one month plus old...about 1500km...should i change the engine oil when it hits 2k or???

sorry for off topic :)
Re: Good Service from PML?

I bring my car in to PML to do stuff all the time, the CSA and techs there talk to me about my mods. LOL.

Good to hear they're making an effort to treat their customers better. Oh well..
Re: Good Service from PML?

Alex Yap;186856 said:
2000km change engine oil? is that necessary?? was told to do it on first 10k??

my is one month plus old...about 1500km...should i change the engine oil when it hits 2k or???

sorry for off topic :)

well, actually its recommended you do as the engine is new and machined deposits will still be there. Conventionally, there is no such thing as run in in newer engines today but its all precaution. Running in also gives you much better teething with your pistons. Once 2000km is up, its better to change oil. Also in Singapore weather, oil tends to become thicker. So following 10k km is a no no. As far as i know the 335i u gotta run in for 2000km, not sure abt other cars. but the idea is the same. Change engine oil after run in. Precautionary some may follow, but its not exactly bad if you dont.
Re: Good Service from PML?

I have been assigned by CSA Teo at Alexandra before too, I have to agree with you that his service is not bad.
Re: Good Service from PML?

Jialart, oil change not 15k meh? My mileage is now 11k+ but no msg from service counter leh.
Re: Good Service from PML?

They are making an attempt to improve, esp after reading all my rantings on this forum....maybe

But they have still to convince me that their attitude is really truthful, as a company, and not just rely on a few individuals. Until then, I am quite agst buying another BMW from them. They gave me the impression in the past that if u buy 320i from them, u get different treatment vs if u were an ///M3 or 7 series buyer. Yes I may not be able to afford a 7 series, but someday my son may. Even my son who follows me around in my car thinks PML "dog-eye-see-people-low". If kuan yin ma gives me 4 lucky numbers this w/e, limpay will buy an ///M5 from Vincar and drive to PML and ask them to wash it.
Re: Good Service from PML?

may be the csa himself is a 335 lover. of coz he will naturally treat you better.
Re: Good Service from PML?

Very valid comments everyone. I was quite sceptical about going back to PML since the problems I had with PML for my last car, hence the "hiatus" from PML for 2yrs+. So I was pleasantly surprised about the call and SMS from PML.

Will monitor the service level when I'm there!
Re: Good Service from PML?

good to hear that they are improving.
abt the sms thingy, its been ard for quite sometimes bt not wit pml.
Re: Good Service from PML?

have to agree that this csa Teo's service is pretty good.......always use him when i am there........
Re: Good Service from PML?

no moustache .....abt early time i take pic and post him here..ahhaha
Re: Good Service from PML?

Suipalucsea;186961 said:
Is Teo the guy with the mustache?

By the way, Azriel.....2000 km in TWO WEEKS??

CSA Teo is a young chap, been with PML for about a yr plus.

2,000km slow driving around Singapore just to run in the car! :)

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