Good Service from PML?

Re: Good Service from PML?

2,000km slow driving around Singapore just to run in the car! :)

Define "slow" :)
I'm impressed. You have undoubtedly driven a 335 farther than anyone in Singapore.
So how much does it cost for a tank and how far did it take you?
Re: Good Service from PML?

Holy mutha, you wanna wait 2k before oil change?? I would do it at 1k. Even Mitsibishi does that! For sure 2k enuf.
BAck on the whole PMl subject, a few of you may know my displeasure, but after reading this i remembered my first experience there. Now is what clothing i wore make the difference.
It was a weekday afternoon, just driving back from C&C after buying a new car fro my production manager, thought, may as well swing into PML. Now remember, is weekday, so i have the full shirt and shiny shoes on, very respecatable if i do say so myself!! Soon as i walked upto reception, 2 of the girls came straight upto me, talked a bit, escorted me to the parts counter and then graciously went back to their desk, On exiting, the called me over and proceeded to hand me gifts, i got calanders, a whole accessory book for my car, and a bunch of other stuff which i thought was really cool.
Now, when i went there last Saturday, i was wearing "weekend" clothes, shorts and t shirt, not once did any single person come to ask me if i needed help, not even when i was tring to "get into" some of the new cars there.
Sooooooooo, makes me wonder, is it appearance or the model of car? for sure the model of car would play a part. Seems a few of us agree on car model and service level.
Re: Good Service from PML?

I just went on Friday to enquire about engine oil change at 2000km...was assured again that its a waste of money to change it i havta pay for engine oil to be changed at 2000km? Also, really advisable to change etc??

However, back to topic...the service at PML seems good leh...dunno first time there...I told the tester i have some small scratches and need the touch up paint. He told me to buy near the assessories counter but then said he will do for me FOC since its a waste to buy and just use a little. Then help me touch up bumper...found a big scratch on my bonnet "GRRRR" and some of other places. His service really good :)
Re: Good Service from PML?

sounds consoling...would need to book in soon to check out some of my complains/ warranty claims. mind if could pm me his name? or is he the only teo at Alexandra. tia
Re: Good Service from PML?

I had good service from Teo too. He is a nice guy and always willing to help. So I do know what you all mean.
Re: Good Service from PML?

Suipalucsea;187025 said:
So how much does it cost for a tank and how far did it take you?

At the moment, about S$100 (Caltex Platinum) & I am averaging 13.6L/100km (about 400km).

Okay back to my servicing at PML on Saturday...

8.00am sharp, I was at PML, took a number and sat down with my coffee and book and waited for Teo to attend to me. 15mins later, he came up and sat down with me and we went through what I wanted done and his suggestions on how to go about doing it. I told him not to reset my service counter and wash my car. However, he suggested cleaning my rims though!

By 8.30am, my car was in the workshop and I settled back into the couch and started reading my book. By 10am, my car was ready and I proceeded to check my car. My car was the same as it was before it went in except that my rims are spotless. :) No scratches, nothing. Teo threw in a bottle of engine oil FOC, just in case I may need a top up. I mentioned my windscreen being dirty and that the wipers leave a slight mark on it and Teo immediately took some paper towels and windscreen cleaner and proceeded to clean my windscreen and wipers for 15mins whilst dispensing some useful advice on cleaning and maintaining the windscreen! Damn... I was pleasantly surprised.

At the end of the day, the total bill was about S$218.00. Labour was about S$33, whilst the rest was for the engine oil, oil filter and GST. And I was a happy customer! Teo has been polite, considerate, professional and definitely a CSA that PML ought to keep.

Re: Good Service from PML?

Service is inconsistent across PML. Met more bad services and attitudes than good ones.
Made mistakes easily and repeatedly. Then did not get back to you when promised to !!!
Take your time for " Sorry we ordered the wrong part, you can collect your car now."
TOTALLY bad experience in service quality and attitudes.
But the brand/car is so likable ! PML should seriously consider MORE MANPOWER and SYSTEMATIC TRAINING to all staff including those at the workshop.
let me relate a bad experience

Called PML alexandra and asked, lady answered:
Beng: can the aircon be set to 'on' each time I start engine?
PML: Let me check. Can! just send yr car in, next friday ok?
Beng: done
PML: BTW yr mileage?
Beng: about 21500km(then), why? Can do early servicing meh? Thot at 25k km nia
PML: Some customers came n did that. If above 20k km we can do no need wait till exactly 25k km or when indicator lights up
Beng : Wiooow ok done.

Sent car there at 8.30am. Waited for 1/2 hour. SA came and checked. "No beng, yr car is still not due for service:furious: ". Beng:" Ok can I at least amend the aircon thinggie? SA:"no beng, cant do for 320i"

NNB.....waste of my time. good service?:wtf:

"Nevermind we can fix the worn out door rub film u also wanted us to do". "Ok".....came back 3 hrs later at lunch. SA:"beng, we also washed yr car and rims also". beng::"thk u".
Only to find a piece of wet cloth on my front passenger seat. Almost drove off, but have to come back n tell the SA, "thx u, I dont need this wet n dirty cloth on my car"

BENG:slaphead: PML
Re: Good Service from PML?

When I sent the car in for my annual servicing and oollected it, I found dried up chips of biscuit stuck on the inner door panel. It's gross... Looks like those chewed up wet bits that dropped out of someone's mouth. Didn't realise it till i went back....
Don't understand why too.. But when i wanted to send my car in for 5000 servicing, engine oil change, the SA kept telling me that it's not necessary.... Told me to send it in only at 10k.... i'm like huh... Don't we have to check our engine oil?? He said that it's not necessary these days as they are using synthetic oil .....Any logic in that?
Re: Good Service from PML?

Sounds familiar...i was told "not to waste" money to even change engine oil (at 7500km) as synthetic oil is already included for newer (e92) engine and they don't require run-in (as compared to the "older e90 engine").... that want eh? :lol2::juggle::juggle:

uncle;187973 said:
When I sent the car in for my annual servicing and oollected it, I found dried up chips of biscuit stuck on the inner door panel. It's gross... Looks like those chewed up wet bits that dropped out of someone's mouth. Didn't realise it till i went back....
Don't understand why too.. But when i wanted to send my car in for 5000 servicing, engine oil change, the SA kept telling me that it's not necessary.... Told me to send it in only at 10k.... i'm like huh... Don't we have to check our engine oil?? He said that it's not necessary these days as they are using synthetic oil .....Any logic in that?
Re: Good Service from PML?

Yup, even CSA Teo suggested that i don't have to change the engine oil so early but he aceded to my request. So just tell ur CSA, u want to change engine oil and ask him/her to that their piece of "advice" and shove it. :)
Re: Good Service from PML?

uncle;187973 said:
When I sent the car in for my annual servicing and oollected it, I found dried up chips of biscuit stuck on the inner door panel. It's gross... Looks like those chewed up wet bits that dropped out of someone's mouth. Didn't realise it till i went back....
Don't understand why too.. But when i wanted to send my car in for 5000 servicing, engine oil change, the SA kept telling me that it's not necessary.... Told me to send it in only at 10k.... i'm like huh... Don't we have to check our engine oil?? He said that it's not necessary these days as they are using synthetic oil .....Any logic in that?

Right ! you reminded me once i collected my car to find many empty mineral water bottles behind the seats.......whoever working in the car must be damn thirsty !!! :furious:

Another time, the dirty soft cardboard papers they used as 'floor mats' while working in the car were also not removed !!! :furious:

more unpleasnat encounters..... :furious: now no time to share :angry:

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