"Great Advice!"

Re: "Great Advice!"

If someone tailgate me, it means I'm probably going too slowly. I will feel very paiseh for holding that person up, try to give way as fast as possible
Re: "Great Advice!"

Sometimes when I travel on small roads I get tailgated/honked/flashed by buses and heavy lorries. I try my best, but I am already on the left most lane travelling at 49km/h under the speed limit of 50km/h. Damn scary especially when they are revving their humongous engines right behind you. How I wish LTA will build one more lane for law-abiding citizens like me.
Re: "Great Advice!"

jasonmaxima;1031217 said:
when I see toto rushing to futsal games on wed evenings I will give way.... dun wanna kena from him....


pisss off la...merc driver. if I c u I hurl my pocari cans at u.
Re: "Great Advice!"

if u wanna guai lan on the roads...u better be prepared to go all xtreme. ie step out of the car. hoot or tio hoot. all this chum brakes ah...all achieve little. u kenna one seow kia..u better be as seow as him. if not just move left. Singapore a lot of lame ducks. but once in awhile u will kenna someone who will try n kill u.
Re: "Great Advice!"

I will just let the car gap in front of me gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.....
Re: "Great Advice!"

Anyone got tailgated by Malaysian lorry at 100kmh on the middle lane ?

Don't hit the brakes in that scenario .....
Re: "Great Advice!"

whats the big deal just give way. you dont know whats the reason for the guy to be in a hurry. Someday when you are in a hurry, someone will give way to you.. even if the guy hits you when you brake and its his fault bc of tailgating, think of all the hassle you need to go thru...
Re: "Great Advice!"

benji ben;1031151 said:
what pisses me off is that a lot of people think that driving on the outermost right lane within the speed limit isn't considered road hogging. bullshit! the outermost right lane is for overtaking. so please give way, if you can, to those vehicles coming behind that are faster than you. they may be speeding but that ain't for you to judge or decide. it's just basic road ethics to give way to faster moving vehicles when you are travelling on the outermost right lane.
Bottomline "Keep Left unless Overtaking" :)
Re: "Great Advice!"

Usually if I can, just use the left. If too jammed up no point tailgating, i will be patience but I simply hate intermitten braking ... especially if the gap infront is like 5/6 cars length. Or even when its closer, there are jokers around who need to tap brake every 5 sec.... dont know why.
And I HATE road hoggers!
Re: "Great Advice!"

These days it's not so clear cut lane by lane. E.g. We have vans and lorries including sbs buses using lanes 2, 3 & 4 at 60-70kmh on the AYE forming a mofo convoy.

To exit - its like playing frogger ........

kenntona;1031128 said:
Some of the replies appeared to endorse road-hogging. I hope this is not the spirit.

Thread starter's post did not assume space or no space in front. The assumption is that you "are unable to move out of the lane."

If you are on the first lane (right most), ask if you have been roadhogging. If there is a car in front with little space, simply ignore the tailgater. But if you leave 5-10 car lengths between yourself and the car in front, and you are pissed with the tailgater, you need to evaluate your road ethics as well.

If you are not on the first lane, and you sensed that the tailgater can filter right to overtake you but choose not to, you can do anything you want. Assuming you are adhering to road ethics too.....
Re: "Great Advice!"

Sharing what I do normally, I try to give way as much as possible unless I'm already on the extreme left lane.
Re: "Great Advice!"

A few days back a guy hog the first lane all the way from ecp to aye clementi area. He travelled at 70km/h which was about the same speed as the buses, lorries and cars on the middle lane. Cars that cut into his lane infront of him just gets further and further away but this clown still don't wanna go middle lane. When I finally passed him on the middle lane it was a indian guy sitting in a laid back position with a bo chup expression on his face. 1 hand on the wheel and the other resting on his passenger seat. See liao jin dulan.

I got him to the middle lane after that though.
Re: "Great Advice!"

doraemonjtzy;1031547 said:
me always on left lane ...
p plate can't stay 1st lane ...
Kenn the tee kok pek say one ...

P is professional. The smarty pants take the left lane cos its the fastest. The 1st 2 lanes are hogged by wannabe-who-cant-go-faster but kiasu and kiasi keep 5 car length, brakes every other second.
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Re: "Great Advice!"

Navi;1031527 said:
A few days back a guy hog the first lane all the way from ecp to aye clementi area. He travelled at 70km/h which was about the same speed as the buses, lorries and cars on the middle lane. Cars that cut into his lane infront of him just gets further and further away but this clown still don't wanna go middle lane. When I finally passed him on the middle lane it was a indian guy sitting in a laid back position with a bo chup expression on his face. 1 hand on the wheel and the other resting on his passenger seat. See liao jin dulan.

I got him to the middle lane after that though.
Exactly similar experience few days ago... only difference is, mine was along PIE towards Clementi and I didn't show middle finger. Maybe same guy or from same family? :thinking:
Re: "Great Advice!"

Baby1M;1031073 said:
Well too bad for tailgaters if they got right lane to overtake and they don't, obviously something not right... after awhile I WILL play the 'breakdown' game. I m not stupid not to know if the rear ride can or cannot return in kind too. Get e hint? Bottomline, "know thy enemy" :naughty:

For persistant tailgaters, they will eat some pebbles and smoke too.

Also majority of the rides more powerful than mine dont tailgate - from my own daily commuting observation :)

Want to overtake and return in kind also have to see how much power the car can muster and also how powerful is the offender car.
Re: "Great Advice!"

Navi;1031527 said:
A few days back a guy hog the first lane all the way from ecp to aye clementi area. He travelled at 70km/h which was about the same speed as the buses, lorries and cars on the middle lane. Cars that cut into his lane infront of him just gets further and further away but this clown still don't wanna go middle lane. When I finally passed him on the middle lane it was a indian guy sitting in a laid back position with a bo chup expression on his face. 1 hand on the wheel and the other resting on his passenger seat. See liao jin dulan.

I got him to the middle lane after that though.
If got video, sent to TP to ask for clarification.

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