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GROUP BUY - Custom Car Cover

Re: GROUP BUY - Custom Car Cover

the only way to really protect the car is using gladwrap. pls thank me for honest feedback
Re: GROUP BUY - Custom Car Cover

MW;874254 said:
actually in SG, why would u need covers? Its dusty or wet in the mornings and for you to remove it, you will dirty yourself and then u also need to fold it up and put into ur boot or somewhere..

Also, most carparks in Sg are indoor now.

So its only useful if you go overseas for long period of time? And even that, unless you are a world traveller, most of us would only go overseas once or twice a year...

Maybe many of you guys are working in central area and that's why mostly are indoor carparks. But unfortunately some people like myself is working in Tuas area and imagine your stupid office area is nearby shipyards and chemical factory whereby sandblastings and powder chemicals are over the air.

I would of course cover my car every morning and uncover every evening whether rain or shine in order to protect my car paint work rather than after a few months, the whole car body feels like a piece of sandpaper. :)
Re: GROUP BUY - Custom Car Cover

Bumpzzzz... I also want to buy if anyone can help direct
Re: GROUP BUY - Custom Car Cover

pls pm me price for

Stormproof Material
Mercedes C180 Sedan
Include pocket for sharkfin antenna???
Re: GROUP BUY - Custom Car Cover

pls contact them yourself. no pocket for sharkfin...only hv pocket for baby kangaroo -joeys....
Re: GROUP BUY - Custom Car Cover

Roughly how much is it supposed to set you back? bought a damn crappy one before, half of my baby was exposed when i returned from a trip:roll:

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