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Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

e36coupe;229815 said:
wat % decrease are we talking about here?....sorry i'm not familliar with the function of ssk,anyone can throw some light?

the decrease basically refers to the throw / distance it takes to move from one gear to another

in racing, faster gear shifts means faster acceleration - think SMG of the ///M cars - they have a button below the gear lever which basically increases the shift response

in simpler analogy, take the length of a normal pencil

if the writing end is first gear and the eraser tip at the end is 2nd gear, that's the length you travel from 1st gear to 2nd gear

with an SSK, depending on the % decrease mentioned awhile ago, shorten the ballpen length by that percentage

the new length of the pencil should represent the distance from one gear to another

basically, shorter distance = shorter time to shift gears = ideally, faster acceleration
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

SSK - well it feel very tight (like a virgin) & the throw between gear is shorten.
if you go down tomolo BMW meetup , go look for jawzsg, his car got the Z3 SSK.
feel it. anyway applicable to manual car.
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

C3P0;229615 said:
Hoh hoh, finally someone talked about something I like :thumbsup: . All those short-shifter stuff, tsk tsk tsk....talk Sandy more interesting :D

Calling jawsg, calling jawsg, we want to go Tanglin to look for Sandy...
Btw, I just had lunch with my company's receptionist today. She is called Sandy :yummie:
Sorry for so much OT :laughlik:

Hullo, at Tanglin Camp you are more likely to meet Sandy's great great grandmother lah... you like I can intro to you lor...

Na beh... Next lunch you bring her to Sandy's Club and all our brother join in.. you kuniang....:furious:

iScoupe;229839 said:
SSK - well it feel very tight (like a virgin) & the throw between gear is shorten.
if you go down tomolo BMW meetup , go look for jawzsg, his car got the Z3 SSK.
feel it. anyway applicable to manual car.

This coming meetup I lockz my car hor... no entry....
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

thnx for the heads up guys....kinda interested wif e ssk...can i join the group buy?
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

No more group buy as Dave will oreder for all.
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

jin teck;229982 said:
No more group buy as Dave will oreder for all.

Hi Senior Member (Club Sandy),

Since we have abt 7 of Sandy's members getting it , i able to get it for $90 nett with 2 pcs of yellow shim for the shift lever.

Next, trying to get the e36 M3 Anti Roll Bar (20mm) stock 15mm, for your Club Sandy's member, like wise i ordered it ( M5) for my e39 old horse buddies.
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

dave;230070 said:
Hi Senior Member (Sandy Club),

Next, trying to get the e36 M3 Anti Roll Bar (20mm) stock 15mm, for your sandy's club member, like wise i order it ( M5) for my e39 old horse buddies.
interested on the E36 M3 anti roll bar :) just let me know price , if not i going to order UUC sway bar soon.
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

dave;230070 said:
Hi Senior Member (Sandy Club),

Since we have abt 7 of Sandy's members getting it , i able to get it for $90 nett with 2 pcs of yellow shim for the shift lever.

Next, trying to get the e36 M3 Anti Roll Bar (20mm) stock 15mm, for your sandy's club member, like wise i order it ( M5) for my e39 old horse buddies.

will the anti roll bar fit the 4 drs? I will be interested if it is.
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

dpointt;229438 said:
1. Colin
2. kelvin
3. dpoint (ssk + 2 bushing and the protective "cup")
4. mdc ?
5. goat ?
6. iscoupe ?

er... HOW MUCHIE??? as boran says...

Hi Club Sandy's member,
Already ordered 5 pcs, for those who confirm, kindly PM me with your contact no.

Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

many thanks to dave for helping out on the purchase. i'm not buying any cos mine's an auto but i'm touched by Dave's enthusiam for beemers and helping fellow forumers on our bmw needs and ya, many thanks to teck too cos he already ordered his shifter from PML (paying extra 7 bucks or something like that) and still help out on this group purchase.....thats our Club Sandy spirit....haha.
its people who share passion for our rides that keep this forum going
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

Thanks Dave. Calling all who have ordered the short shifter. Pls pm Dave your contact n make payment when Dave pm u back his A/C. cheers !

Dave, can u add one more set for Abel. Thks.
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

sszone;231343 said:
many thanks to dave for helping out on the purchase. i'm not buying any cos mine's an auto but i'm touched by Dave's enthusiam for beemers and helping fellow forumers on our bmw needs and ya, many thanks to teck too cos he already ordered his shifter from PML (paying extra 7 bucks or something like that) and still help out on this group purchase.....thats our Club Sandy spirit....haha.
its people who share passion for our rides that keep this forum going
agree, Dave even encourage every1 to go track day !! he is passionate abt motor sport, can feel from his son too!
Hope he can be so passion & give each of us free anti-roll bar.. kekekekekeke..
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36


Fat hope but a good try though!!
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

iScoupe;231401 said:
agree, Dave even encourage every1 to go track day !! he is passionate abt motor sport, can feel from his son too!
Hope he can be so passion & give each of us free anti-roll bar.. kekekekekeke..

Hey Bro, not yet dream land time leh !!:nehnehhh:
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

Good try Jacky. :yummie: Next life maybe. :lol2:

Dave, can add one more to seven (alvin needs one too). Thanks.
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

wow like tat also can see i trying ! muhahahahaha....
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

UUC abt $800 ! Think M3 shld be cheaper:) Dave PM me price , K.
Re: Group Buy : Z3 short shifter for E36

Heng Ah, I did not buy a used sway bar (i think 30mm) for RM$1500 as new UUC is $800 :yummie:

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