Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

winnercafe said:
optimal low with maxi comfort
comfort to me more impt...

by end of the wk my total posting nearer to 600 or 650?

If u kena banned then your number of posts will here at 540....ROFL :laughlik:
" wearing slippers... last toe at right feet is about 2 inch and all black and dirty inside or left feet 2 toe is 3 inch long? "

I m speechless, dunno how to answer that bro..
Are both alien's feet ?

Sports glasses:
Tag Heuer?
wearing slippers... last toe at right feet is about 2 inch and all black and dirty inside or left feet 2 toe is 3 inch long? "

I m speechless, dunno how to answer that bro..
Are both alien's feet ?

Sports glasses:
Tag Heuer?

to be profound, and then confound and dumbfound...

oakley of course....

UOB Lady's card or DBS ladys's card
Winston said:
which is more sad: forum down for 5 hours or no one to GM with for 5 hours?
suspension: slammed all the way with little comfort or optimal low with maxi comfort?
Worse scenario, chio-bu drive up next to your bling bling ride at red light, and saw you: 1. digging your nose and out came a big long darkish green one with a bit of goey slime on it or 2. your hand raised high, your blue shirt completely wet round the armpit area, and you were busy sniffing away at it?
wearing slippers... last toe at right feet is about 2 inch and all black and dirty inside or left feet 2 toe is 3 inch long?
UOB Lady's card or DBS ladys's card

Forum down is worse. GM no player is alright. Better than bo liao players.
Trust me, the exploration of precious minerals in your nasal cavity can never leave a positive impression. At least the wet armpit patch could be perceived as an optical illusion, if you are on V-Cool. Speaking from personal experience, gold-digger?
Bro, you are indeed deformed. Your toes are unimaginable.
UOB cards. Refer to the DBS Safe-Boxes thread. They might lose your bills one of these days......

Retiree Job - Be a remisier, or be a taxi-driver?
TripleM said:
Sunglasses color: Black or Brownish?
Sports glasses: Oakley or Tag Heuer?

Brownish. So that my green pupils can be seen.

Listed Instruments in efficient markets - Warrants or Options?
winnercafe said:
red tea: sweet or without sugar
by end of the wk my total posting nearer to 600 or 650?
2 white wines or 1 red wine

Red Tea = without sugar. Kosong.
At the rate you are going, should be 650. I have faith in you chalking up the numbers, especially with the help of the new king Rodders and SL2.
2 blanc. Why is these two options comparable? This is akin to asking 2 Gucci handbags or 1 LV handbag? Or 2 white cars or 1 red car?

Assuming same built-in and total area......

Penthouse with indoor jacuzzi in the hall, and balcony; or
Landed property with outdoor pool and garden?

Which disneyland is bigger, the one in:
" Penthouse with indoor jacuzzi in the hall, and balcony; or
Landed property with outdoor pool and garden?"

I would like to own the latter in my old days
But for now, gotta be the Penthouse..

I can see winnercafe has run outta GM question by asking bo liao GM,...ok she's banned and her total number posts hv therefore been concluded at 540.... :laughlik:

A landed property of same land size
Smaller built in area but bigger garden
Bigger built in area but smaller garden?
TripleM said:
Which disneyland is bigger, the one in: LA or Orlando?

My guess is the LA location. Been to the Orlando one. Fantastic experience.

Throwing it back at you......which is bigger......

......Disneyland in Tokyo, or Disneyland in Paris?
TripleM said:
A landed property of same land size Smaller built in area but bigger garden Or Bigger built in area but smaller garden?

Bigger built-in. Talking about practical usage space......

Assuming you pick the penthouse with indoor jacuzzi......

Would you invite Denise to a soak in your jacuzzi; or

Would you invite Donita to a sun-tanning session in your balcony?
Has to be Paris one..
Also, Donita suntanning in my balcony..yeah rite, u wish..

Future One Identity For a chip planted in your body...
Good thing
Bad thing ?
Trust me, the exploration of precious minerals in your nasal cavity can never leave a positive impression. At least the wet armpit patch could be perceived as an optical illusion, if you are on V-Cool. Speaking from personal experience, gold-digger?

Bro you seem to know which is the right mod to go for! Your experience definitely ranks higher here! Kekeke….

Bro, you are indeed deformed. Your toes are unimaginable.

I was running out of question, and someone just told me about that if 2nd toe from the big toe is longer than rest, it means that the person is a shopper, hence the question…

UOB cards. Refer to the DBS Safe-Boxes thread. They might lose your bills one of these days......

Losing my bills one of these days will be one of the best things to happen to me…

Retiree Job - Be a remisier, or be a taxi-driver?

Taxi-driver… get to pick up chio-bu and no one will say anything, and if one they they start coming up with beemer taxis in Singapore, woo-hoo, ho say liao!

Listed Instruments in efficient markets - Warrants or Options?

Both are useful, but personally prefer warrants

Assuming same built-in and total area......

Penthouse with indoor jacuzzi in the hall, and balcony; or
Landed property with outdoor pool and garden?

Landed property with outdoor pool and garden, dan everyday can throw bikini pool party and I will definitely shape my garden like the one in Hotel Royal…

Which disneyland is bigger, the one in:

LA… love the rides there especially the one with snow white and the 7 midgets, remind me of some movies that someone downloaded for me from the Internet….

A landed property of same land size
Smaller built in area but bigger garden
Bigger built in area but smaller garden?

Again, gotta be the big royal garden again…

Throwing it back at you......which is bigger......

......Disneyland in Tokyo, or Disneyland in Paris?

Paris one?

Assuming you pick the penthouse with indoor jacuzzi......

Would you invite Denise to a soak in your jacuzzi; or

Would you invite Donita to a sun-tanning session in your balcony?

Who is denise and donita? Your make-believe friends or your er… make believe play-mates?

Future One Identity For a chip planted in your body...
Good thing
Bad thing ?

Good thing, but make sure the chip can mod to give extra 20% bhp…

GM: picking your teeth in public with a chopstick or digging your nose with your little index finger?
" GM: picking your teeth in public with a chopstick or digging your nose with your little index finger? "

Wah using chopstick, wot u think my teeth are like bro? Hypopothamus' kind of teeth har?

If using toothpicks then ok..

" Who is denise and donita? Your make-believe friends or your er… make believe play-mates? "

They are both MTV babes....who are also allegedly Kenn's penpals

Before I continue, I m getting bit dizzy seeing ur multicolor signature liao... :errr:

Which one is worse for a guy...
No hair
No eyebrows at all ?
TripleM said:
Future One Identity For a chip planted in your body... Good thing or Bad thing ?

Bad bad thing. You told your wife you are going for roller-blading, but instead went out to some hideous corner with Fiona. Your wife could not get through to you via HP, since you had switched it off. She called 911 and the police tracked you down via satellite at some dodgy hotel with the same number plate as your car. Is this good or bad? Watch Will Smith in Enemy of the State tonight.

Ruthless, Yakuza, or the Sicilian Mafia?
Winston said:
Landed property with outdoor pool and garden, dan everyday can throw bikini pool party and I will definitely shape my garden like the one in Hotel Royal…


Winston said:
GM: picking your teeth in public with a chopstick or digging your nose with your little index finger?

Chopstick? KNN, your tooth-gap so huge ah? Need my belt to floss? But I'd know your answer, you gold-digger.

TripleM said:
Which one is worse for a guy... No hair or No eyebrows at all ?

No hair. Think about it - which is worse - Sahara Desert or the small bald patch on the Marina field?

winnercafe said:
who u prefer to be ruan lin yu or zhu bao chai

Who's Zhu Bao Chai?

Sounds like some Hokkien delicacy - Pork Wrapped in Vegetables?

Pick Ruan Lin Yu then. Poor gal.

Afghan Presidential Election: Hamid Karzai, or Yunus Qanooni?
"Watch Will Smith in Enemy of the State tonight."
One of my fav movies in recent times. Thanks for the input.

Ruthless?...Guess the Yakuza...well known to be...

Leashold prop:
Keppel Bay
Tanjong Rhu area ?
winnercafe said:
zhu bao chai u also dun know... go read hong rou meng

I do not read Hong Lou Meng (Lou, not Rou).

I read only Yu Pu Tuan and Liao Zhai.

TripleM said:
Leashold prop: Keppel Bay or Tanjong Rhu area

Tanjong Rhu area. When's my next dinner?

Chinese Classics......

Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, or Journey to the West?
do not read Hong Lou Meng (Lou, not Rou).

I read only Yu Pu Tuan and Liao Zhai.

i used to read only long hu pao

Chinese Classics......

Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, or Journey to the West?

romance of the 3 kingdoms... remember the PC game? spent hours on it....

Digging nose in the lift or farting in the lift?

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