Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

winnercafe said:
ok u all continue want to sleep liao

Wah from tea break to afternoon sleep? Ur boss wants to employ me or not?

If I dont see u later, evening and gd night :)
Winston said:
changing suspension: waste of money or ai swee mai lui???
on a chio bu: red nailpolish or pink nailpolish
hug a hairy chio bu to sleep or hug a chio bu with BO to sleep?
pink panties or cream color panties?
lacy undergarments or hardcore S&M undergarments?

Ai swee mai lui.
Red nailpolish.
Farking sick thoughts. I will personally shave the ape.
Pink panties, but no difference. It will be on the floor sooner or later.
Lacy. Subtle and nice.

Winston said:
sick man, how can you use coca-cola as spermicide? the gassy bubbles very ticklish one you know... i have to go with cocaine on this, else they won't nick it as coke...

How the hell do you know it is ticklish?

The spermicide thingy is a hoax.

Now, which is a hoax?

Coca-Cola was once considered anti-Semitic for refusing to do business in Israel; or

The modern image of Santa Claus was created by Coca-Cola?
" lux shower gel or shokobusu shower gel? "

Prefer lux....the shokobusu sounds like busuk in malay (means rotten)
But I am a soap boy..

Your breyton vision is real or replica?
winnercafe said:
condo w auto door lobby n air con n high M&S F or without the aircon n auto door n lower M & S F
hv food to eat when ever u r hungry n risk being over weight or onli eat at the right time n go w/o snack to stay slim
by end this month -total post: will i remain in position 8 or be promote to position 7

Cost appropriated by all residents. Hence go for the luxury option.
What? You insulting me with the food question? Okay, I will not eat dinner tonight.
You will be promoted as you play this game.

Which actually happened?

A motorist caught speeding by photo radar pays fine with picture of money; police send him photo of handcuffs in return; or

Some pranksters affix license plate stolen from a speed trap camera van to their vehicle and drive through trap, resulting in unit's issuing tickets to itself?
Coca-Cola was once considered anti-Semitic for refusing to do business in Israel; or

The modern image of Santa Claus was created by Coca-Cola?

wah you know a lot about coke history but you can't figure out thats its ticklish... try it tonight and let us know tomorrow okay?

The modern image of santa claus was created by coke through this decade from early 30s or 40s of santa holding on to a coke bottle, thats why you always see coke on santa's hand during christmas....the fundamental jews considered is sacrilegious to drink coke anyways so anti-semitic is just an opinion....

lux shower gel or shokobusu shower gel?
Which actually happened?

A motorist caught speeding by photo radar pays fine with picture of money; police send him photo of handcuffs in return; or

Some pranksters affix license plate stolen from a speed trap camera van to their vehicle and drive through trap, resulting in unit's issuing tickets to itself?

lol..... we try it out tonight along the ECP?
Winston said:
lux shower gel or shokobusu shower gel?

Lux. Still thinking of Michelle Chia.

TripleM said:
Whose Market Cap bigger as at 8 Sep 04? Ford or GM ?
Which program more interesting: Who wants to be a millionaire or Double Jeopardy?
Which replicas would u rather hv in ur car: PGII or AC Type III Racing?
For the same movie but different price, which one would u rather buy?
DVD or VCD............assuming both original

Market cap: Ford US$25 billion; GM US$ 23.6 billion
Double Jeopardy.
AC Type III Racing. Hamann replicas too fake.
DVD. Stupid question.

Bigger market cap - Coke or Pepsi?
My guess will be the modern image of Santa Claus was created by Coca-Cola..

How old is coca cola company? how long has the santa clause image been around?

Did u answer my GM on Ford vs GM , whose mc bigger? Dont pretend hor..

Whose market cap larger:
Ford + GM combined ?
Lux. Still thinking of Michelle Chia.

Stop having thoughts about my cousin! :naughty:
My guess will be Coke

U prefer office girls wearing or not wearing pantyhose?
Winston said:
The modern image of santa claus was created by coke through this decade from early 30s or 40s of santa holding on to a coke bottle, thats why you always see coke on santa's hand during christmas....the fundamental jews considered is sacrilegious to drink coke anyways so anti-semitic is just an opinion....

The Santa association is false.

Now read the anti-semitic cases against Coke:

(1) April 1 1966: in Tel Aviv, businessman Moshe Bornstein accused Coca-Cola of refusing to do business in Israel out of fear of reprisals and loss of profits in the Arab soft drink market. A week later in New York, the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith released a statement backing up the charges, triggering headlines across the U.S.A. Coca-Cola was in hot water, and the American public was demanding answers. It was also rejecting the answers it was getting.

(2) In 1949 Coca-Cola had attempted to open a bottling plant in Israel, but its efforts had been blocked by the Israeli government. As long as no one questioned the company too closely, the failure of this one stab at the Israeli market appeared to provide a satisfactory answer for Coca-Cola's conspicuous absence from the Israeli market. In the meanwhile, Coca-Cola was content to continue quietly serving the much larger Arab market, a market it was likely to lose if it began operating in Israel.

(3) In 1961 an incident in Cairo involving civil servant Mohammad Abu Shadi momentarily shattered the quiet. Shadi had come into possession of a Coca-Cola bottle manufactured in Ethiopia, mistaken the Amharic lettering on its label for Hebrew, and publicly accused Coca-Cola of doing business with Israel. The manager of Coca-Cola's Egyptian bottling operations wasted no time (and little thought) in assuring the press that Coca-Cola would never allow the Israelis a franchise. With their hands forced by their bottler's impolitic statement, company officials quickly invented the explanation that Israel was too small to support a franchise and gave their reasons for staying away as purely economic, not political. For the time being, this seemed to keep a lid on the brewing storm.

(4) It wasn't until 1966 that people began to wonder openly why it was that nearby Cyprus had no difficulty supporting its Coca-Cola franchise despite their having only one-tenth the population of Israel. The comfortable aura of quiet was shattered by Bornstein's charges and the subsequent uproar they raised in the U.S.A. When these issues came to light in 1966, they proved highly embarrassing to Coca-Cola. The administrators of Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan announced they would stop serving Coke, and the owners of Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Emporium on Coney Island followed suit. Faced with the prospect of a Jewish boycott in America, the company attempted to right the tipped canoe by announcing it would open a bottling plant in Tel Aviv. (Such is the price of business: Israel with the fury of America behind it became a much more attractive market than it ever had been all on its own.) The Arab League struck back by placing Coca-Cola on its boycott list. The boycott began in August 1968 and lasted until May 1991 (or until 1979 in Egypt, where they made their own rules).

(5) Pepsi's entry into Israel in 1992 did not go smoothly — the evolution theme of its "Choice of a New Generation" ad campaign (in which man was portrayed as evolving from a monkey into a Pepsi drinker) angered the strictly observant haredi community. Though Pepsi pulled the campaign from Israel, it found itself in more hot water over a 1993 Michael Jackson tour. Jackson's unthinking flashbulb-popping arrival on a Sabbath was viewed by many observant Jews as a desecration. For a time Pepsi lost its kashrut (kosher) certificate because it was deemed to be promoting a culture that would corrupt the nation's youth through rock music concerts and advertisements featuring scantily-clad women. Prior to 1992, Pepsi had backed the other horse, choosing to service the lucrative Coke-less Arab markets in the boycott days. For its decision to stay out of Israel (and thus itself avoid being placed on the Arab League's blacklist), Pepsi faced continued criticism in the United States. In certain circles it was considered politically incorrect to be seen drinking Pepsi.

The Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith investigated claims that Pepsi was participating in the boycott of Israel. U.S. law prohibited American companies from taking part in this boycott, but the law was vague, and outright violations were hard to pin down. Nothing ever came of the investigations, and Pepsi was never placed on the American government's list of violators.

Pepsi always denied it was the fear of losing their Arab markets that kept them out of Israel. Like Coca-Cola in 1961, Pepsi fell back upon the claim of Israel's being too small to support a franchise. At least this time the excuse was a bit more believable -- Coca-Cola's already holding down the lion's share of the Israeli soft drink market gave this claim a bit more plausibility. Even so, Pepsi was doing business in many other small markets and much more often than not competing head-to-head against Coca-Cola. If these conditions were keeping them out of Israel, then why weren't they equally keeping them out of these other markets?

Many people in the United States believed Pepsi was going along with the boycott, whether it was proveable in the eyes of U.S. law or not. Those lucrative Arab markets did not come without a price, and Pepsi paid it in loss of goodwill in the U.S. A significant number of American cola drinkers grew up suspecting Pepsi of being anti-Israel and refrained from buying their product. By contrast, Coca-Cola appeared heroic.

This appearance failed to take into account Coca-Cola's fast stepping to shake off similar charges in the 1960s. Pepsi's mud-spattered skirts were but Coca-Cola's hand-me-downs — same skirt, just a bit older.

Today you can get either Coke or Pepsi in anywhere in the Middle East, and the days of the boycott have faded into memory. Even so, there are still those who observe the stricture of "Coke is for Jews; Pepsi is for Arabs." Old wounds are not necessarily healed wounds.

Free history lesson for you.

Which is true?

Some celebrities promised to leave the USA if George W. Bush won the 2000 presidential election; or

George W. Bush once described rapper Eminem as "the most dangerous threat to American children since polio."?
Definitely George W. Bush once described rapper Eminem as "the most dangerous threat to American children since polio "

The first shud hv made the top income earners wanna stay in the US coz of the proposed income tax cut...
clap clap clap...... bro where you got the information from? now i feel like writing a thesis on semitism and than blackmail coke...
Some celebrities promised to leave the USA if George W. Bush won the 2000 presidential election; or

George W. Bush once described rapper Eminem as "the most dangerous threat to American children since polio."?

bush threatening Eminem? but eminem did bash bush in his soundtracks quite badly... bush wouldn't commit political suicide by critising one of the most popular rappers of this time since kurt cobain, so I would go with this as a hoax... as for the celebrities they always say or do something to get free publicity...

TripleM said:
My guess will be the modern image of Santa Claus was created by Coca-Cola.. How old is coca cola company? how long has the santa clause image been around?

Smart guess.

TripleM said:
Did u answer my GM on Ford vs GM , whose mc bigger? Dont pretend hor..

Toot you, the numbers are there, need me to tell you?

TripleM said:
Whose market cap larger: Toyota Or Ford + GM combined ?

As of today's Tokyo's close, and overnight US levels......

Toyota's market cap = US$ 136.3 billion
Ford US$25.3 billion
GM US$23.6 billion

Answer is obvious. The Jap is huge.

TripleM said:
My guess will be Coke

Coke's market cap US$96.5 billion
Pepsi's US$81.3 billion

Triplem said:
U prefer office girls wearing or not wearing pantyhose?

Not wearing. Interesting thought.

Bigger market cap......

Keppel Corp + Semb Corp; or

Clap clap clap......

Promises of an entertainment world exodus from the USA in the face of a Republican victory in the November 2000 presidential election began in August 2000.

(1) Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder: "With three Supreme Court positions opening in the next administration, I'm frightened to think of a Republican in office, especially one raised by a father who was in the CIA. I'm moving to a different country if little Damien II gets elected."

(2) Alec Baldwin said something (exactly what he said, to whom, and when, remains elusive) which his wife, actress Kim Basinger, interpreted as a promise to leave the country should Bush win the presidency: "How can they get that oil flowing in Alaska? Cut taxes for the wealthy? Create an entire industry on the false promise of school vouchers? Build more prisons? Execute more indigent defendants?"

(3) Director Robert Altman made no bones about his intentions to become an expatriate should Bush be the victor in November: "If George Bush is elected president, I'm leaving for France.'' Altman said he disagreed with Bush's plans to cut taxes and raise military spending.

(4) Barbra Streisand: "I don't think you'll see me around here for at least four years." Her press agents later added that the "here" in her statement referred to the White House, not the USA. (Some accounts claim that Ms. Streisand actually made this statement back in 1992, but that seems unlikely, as the 1992 election was a contest between incumbent George H.W. Bush and Arkansas governor Bill Clinton. Why would Ms. Streisand absent herself from the White House -- or the USA -- if the elder Bush were elected to a second term, when his first term of office had seemingly prompted no such reaction?)

Which is true?

President George W. Bush has been nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize; or

President George W. Bush proclaimed, "The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur."?
TripleM said:
"hug a hairy chio bu to sleep or hug a chio bu with BO to sleep?:

Wah, definitely not the latter man, how to sleep ? Can u ?

can if the person cannot smell.... like the chinese movie featuring, yang qian hua (the princess who hv BO) n ren xian qi (poor guy who like to play with mixture of scent)....
President George W. Bush has been nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize; or

President George W. Bush proclaimed, "The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur."?

i'll like to believe that bush said that the problem with the french is that they dont have a word for entrepreneur since he is so likely to blurt and babble without requiring any assistance.... and yes if I get my green card I will be a democrat supporting the clintons and kerry... but i read somewhere that bush is really up for the nobel prize along with Blair... Blair I can understand for his political slickness in out maneuvering his critics, but bush is the prodigal child that is strangling the country poor.... answer, bush nominated for nobel prize....
Winston said:
......but i read somewhere that bush is really up for the nobel prize along with Blair... Blair I can understand for his political slickness in out maneuvering his critics, but bush is the prodigal child that is strangling the country poor.... answer, bush nominated for nobel prize....

Clap clap clap. Interesting to play GM with guys like you with some gray matters within the skull.

winnercafe said:
..... like the chinese movie featuring, yang qian hua (the princess who hv BO) n ren xian qi (poor guy who like to play with mixture of scent)....

Thanks for the Hanyu Pinyin lesson. And bear in mind that I have never complain about your BO......


Bigger market cap......

Keppel Corp + Semb Corp; or

If u meant Semb Corp (incl industries, logistics n marine ) then
combined with Kepp shud be bigger than SPH

Whose Market cap bigger
Mizuho ?

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