Have you?

Re: Have you?

iScoupe;880471 said:
I think is unfair to race with Sherman , on land he is heavy & slow but in water, the body fats will make him a champion with his feet. You all see speed boat before? yes, Sherman lift up his head paddle, all no need fight.

His butterfly also good, when he spread his arm is like the Roll Royce iconic mascot hood emblem - spirit of estacy

Bet $500 ai Mai??? Sherman say 1.............

Andally;880516 said:

How to show???? Take off bra to show lor............
Re: Have you?


Goodnight all=)
Re: Have you?

Andally;880953 said:

Goodnight all=)

Are u in a love triangle?
Re: Have you?

iScoupe;880981 said:
Are u in a love triangle?

need to buy more insurance???

Re: Have you?

iScoupe;880981 said:
Are u in a love triangle?

HAHA i actually dont understand the song till i read the english sub, anyway im just learning on the piano, i randomly post cause not bad...
Re: Have you?

ac323;880983 said:
need to buy more insurance???


I've lost count of my insurance already...but recently one of the insurance company gave me money haha!
Re: Have you?


..Have You?

Re: Have you?

iScoupe;880981 said:
Are u in a love triangle?


...Have you...too?

Re: Have you?

I have dug my nose shit today, if anyone wishes to know....
Re: Have you?

jasonmaxima;887251 said:
Hi Ally, thanks for the birthday invite and the wonderful birthday party.....


..Have you.....dot dot dot....:shock:.....?
Re: Have you?

jasonmaxima;887261 said:
I have not had lunch, had a small breakfast.... leaving work now to go home to eat dinner....

...faster...beat the jam...scary....:p
Re: Have you?

...where ish Ally....?
Re: Have you?

...I knw...it ish mentioned so frequently thru out ....yr ex ish a joke....his name ish HaHa....

...of course ..am joking oso...hur hur...:chinese::lol::lol::lol:.

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