Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

cymon;873427 said:
Sipeh paiseh leh.. but I remembered before I left home for office yesterday morning (about 10km), the fuel range showed 25km left. Thought can tahan till I fill up in the evening on my way back. Don't know how come bo yu in the afternoon. Is there any possibilites that my reserve tank fuel evaporated due to the HOT weather?

U have juz shorten the life of your fuel pump.
Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

davidtch;873440 said:

U have juz shorten the life of your fuel pump.

Bro, dont scare me leh. Can tell me more why fuel pump life shorten?
Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

Don't drive until the car kaopeh you (50km or less) no fuel left. Its very bad for the pump because it needs fuel for lubrication and when you starve the pump of fuel you WILL wear your fuel pump out.

And I still don't understand how can a car WITH (some) fuel, sitting in a carpark... become no fuel. Your fuel tank leaking? Or maybe all become vapour in the tank.
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Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

detach8;873459 said:
Don't drive until the car kaopeh you (50km or less) no fuel left. Its very bad for the pump because it needs fuel for lubrication and when you starve the pump of fuel you WILL wear your fuel pump out.

And I still don't understand how can a car WITH (some) fuel, sitting in a carpark... become no fuel. Your fuel tank leaking? Or maybe all become vapour in the tank.

OIC... I've the habit of filling my tank only when the fuel range tell me it is very low. Thank you for the advise and will keep that in mind.

As for how it became no fuel, I really dont know. Didn't see any leak from my fuel tank.
Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

detach8;873459 said:
Don't drive until the car kaopeh you (50km or less) no fuel left. Its very bad for the pump because it needs fuel for lubrication and when you starve the pump of fuel you WILL wear your fuel pump out.

And I still don't understand how can a car WITH (some) fuel, sitting in a carpark... become no fuel. Your fuel tank leaking? Or maybe all become vapour in the tank.
In the morning, the fuel indicator is nvr correct. It need to pick up the level of fuel from left & right tank. It is usually higher than it should be.

In fact, since rod said it is bad for fuel pump, i have nvr let it drop below 1/4.
Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

signatureincz;873444 said:
u can go meh

Somebody pay I sure go, I cheapskate
Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

Which flight? Cb u all now Sibeh high class go Hungary
Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

E for enough....

F for finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

cymon;873107 said:
Thank you bros for the concern and responded.

Batt was perfectly ok. It was totally my fault, didnt realise that ran out of petrol, so I went to nearby petrol station, bought some fuel, top up... car started. Damn bloody blur I must say. Never encounter run out of fuel in my life before.. 1st time.

Anyway, watch for 8686 tomorrow. :D

Sorry... false alarm.

was laughing when i saw this and my wife thought i went crazy from surfing the net. you the can.
Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

dracoken;876234 said:
The error message doesnt tally with the actual problem... duh..

that was why I almost freak out and posted for advise. :D
Re: Help: 16 months F10 can't start.

i learned a great lesson from your post...check even the least expected before cry wolf come and found out it was only a stray dog..:yikess:

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