HELP: How to dial in LESS -ve camber?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I'm using pss9, adjusted the fronts to almost its lowest position.. my front camber is now at -2, where the factory spec is at -1.2.. I understand that adjustable camber plates are to dial more aggressive camber and to provide less stress on the struts themselves..

BUT, can adjustable plates be adjusted to get more positive camber? i intend to get around -1.5.. pls chime in..
Re: HELP: How to dial in LESS -ve camber?

of course u can, u can make it from / \ to \ / if u like,
that is wot the adjustability of the camber plate is all about
Re: HELP: How to dial in LESS -ve camber?

excellent.. thnx jack.. when u are stuck with what u got, have to find ways to be content with it.. :)
Re: HELP: How to dial in LESS -ve camber?

No worries Adam
If u intend to keep the car for long, I think the CSL doesnt deserve PSS9 to be honest. Take it to another level my friend..It's gonna be a whole brand new experience you will never regret. Go with MOTON CS or INTRAX :)

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